Does this mean Penn didn't recieve rec?

<p>Did anyone send in an extra rec? My mentor said she sent hers in , but under teacher recommendations (under penn portal) it only says 2 teacher recs received. Does that mean penn didn't recieve my third rec?</p>

<p>Teacher recommendations mean ‘teacher’ recommendation.</p>

<p>i have the same issue, I’d ask Penn which rec they’ve received. If teacher recommendations mean “teacher” recommendation then how do you know if Penn has received your extra recs?</p>

<p>mine only has 1 as received…should i just wait or resend the other one? oh and how do i know which is received considering they were both sent?</p>

<p>You don’t know that’s the thing. There’s no way to track whether Penn has received external recommendations. My counselor sent mine in the same envelope as the other recommendations so no worries for me :P</p>