<p>Ok this is what I'm thinking of taking junior year but I'm scared it's too hard and I'm going to die of stress...I'm new to this AP class thing, I only have one b/c I'm a sophomore (european history)...so I don't know what to expect...I know you people can't make the decision for me but I just want to know from the perspective of people who have already taken lots of AP's what it would be like...</p>
<p>AP Lang
AP Calc AB
AP Environmental Science
AP Spanish IV
U.S. History (the regular class)</p>
<p>It depends on you but it sounds doable if you are dedicated. My S took three AP classes as a sophomore (Calc BC, Spanish Language and Euro History) and survived nicely. This year as a junior he has an online Linear Algebra class, AP Physics C, AP English Language and AP US History. This is more challenging due to the college level math class and the need to prep for the SAT in junior year but he’s up to it. He also has after school water polo or swim team practice/meets daily, and a few other ECs like mock trial and peer tutoring in math.</p>
<p>Shouldn’t be toooo difficult. Calc AB and Enviro usually aren’t the toughest AP’s.</p>
<p>I don’t see why someone taking Linear Algebra in 11th grade would necessarily need to spend much time prepping for the SAT, but whatever.</p>
<p>You’re schedule seems pretty easy. AP Envo is a breeze, you can go through it while sleeping from what i’ve heard. In all, it depends on what is the toughest for you. For me, math has always been a problem, doesn’t mean I don’t take AP. Depends on what kind of person you are.</p>