Does U of M reject Early Response?

<p>I got my letter of deferral today and I'm not sure what to think. Obviously, being deferred is better than being rejected. From these boards and my friends, though, I haven't heard about anyone getting rejected during the Early Response process. Everyone has been accepted or deferred. So how realistic can I be about my chances, and does Michigan reject anyone during the ER period?</p>

<p>I don’t think Michigan rejects anyone initially.</p>

<p>dont worry too much…I heard umich is being more cautious with early stuff because they let too many people in last year early so deferal isnt that big of a deal this year.</p>

<p>yeah i got deferred but has anyone been rejected? every time i ask nobody knows haha</p>

<p>if your statistics are pretty good you are certainly still being considered. </p>

<p>The fact is, they can’t blow their load and let everyone in right now.</p>