<p>my DH is wanting to set up and aotumatic backup of DD’s computer in case it gets lost or stolen …</p>
<p>what do you guys do?</p>
<p>my DH is wanting to set up and aotumatic backup of DD’s computer in case it gets lost or stolen …</p>
<p>what do you guys do?</p>
<p>When you attempt to log onto the UA wireless network, my son said, it will prompt you the first time as to who the computer belongs to. The IT department is able to look up where that computer is connected to the internet.</p>
<p>Interesting. So, if someone steals your computer and tries to log on, the IT department can “find” your computer? Sorry, I watch too many crime movies with my son.</p>
<p>Here I thought that the registration process was just a way to register your system and acknowledge that you know the rules for using UA’s resnet. I didn’t know that it can be used as a tracking system. As for online backup, I don’t think UA offers it, but I could be wrong.</p>
<p>There are online companies that you can subscribe to that will automatically back up your computer on a daily basis.</p>
<p>I’m sure DS would be willing to share his hard drive backup in exchange for laundry services :)</p>
<p>mike… you can use Mozy.com, set it up to automatically backup your computer…they have a free version but if she needs more space (ie lots of pics or music) the pay version is about 5/month. just make sure you set it up to backup at a time computer is usually on. another tip is for her to email (using gmail) her homework/papers to herself. reason i say gmail is it would be accessible from any computer, and she can open it in google docs and make changes etc.</p>
<p>You can purchase 1 TB external hard drives at various retail stores from about $90 to $120 or so. Smaller capacity would be less. The 1 TB has plenty of capacity for music, videos as well as school work.</p>
<p>^ bought one at Costco a few months back on coupon for around $75. Sure he hasn’t opened it, but it’s there!</p>
<p>i think he is going with idisk. just wondering if UA has something as well. i know some schools do.</p>
<p>great idea about emailing stuff to yourself!</p>
<p>hi parent! <waves></waves></p>
<p>today we are off to the sabine river for a jet ski adventure. gotta squeeze in all the fun we can before she leaves!</p>
<p>E-mailing things to yourself is something that I tell all my students to do, especially when they are writing research papers for their classes. I pointed out that one’s hard drive could crash. Well, one student listened. A couple of months later, her computer crashed. She had e-mailed her research paper to herself. Got it the next morning when she came into my class. Printed it out. Got an A. Needless to say, a happy student.</p>
<p>agree momreads!!! only time my sons computer had a problem was the night before a paper was due, sure it was backed up, but the computer was broken…so back up doesnt help., until computer is fixed…, can log into gmail from any computer to retreive it.</p>
<p>Great idea, hadn’t thought about having computer down. E-mail access available anywhere.</p>
<p>I have a 500 GB external drive that I’ve been meaning to hook up to the home network for shared space but I’ve been kicking myself for not getting the 1TB (especially since they’ve dropped so dramatically in price.) I think I’ll send the 500 GB with D & go get the 1TB for home.</p>