<p>Just curious..because some colleges don't care them at all</p>
<p>this is why colleges SHOULD care about writing scores</p>
<p>UNC-Chapel Hill actually uses your SAT writing score to determine your English placement (I assume it is also used for admissions). </p>
<p>640-680 gives you credit for Eng. 101 (three hours)
690-800 gives you credit for Eng. 101 & 102 (six hours)</p>
<p>lol guideme…</p>
<p>For the 2007-2008 admissions cycle, the SAT writing score was NOT used, except for placement once you got in. Not sure if it’ll be the same for this year.</p>
<p>Did they post that information somewhere? I have not seen that. I hope it is not true.</p>
<p>That’s what they said when I was at the information session (of course this information session was held two years ago…)</p>
<p>At Carolina 101 last month, we were notified pretty bluntly that they were “not that important” and to not worry about it too much. Fine with me, it’s my lowest!</p>