Does UW use AP scores for admissions?

<p>Hi, I applied as a transfer student for Fall 2012, and I sent in my AP scores from high school, but DID NOT send in my AP scores (I scored successfully in all of my tests, including 2 self-studies where I got 4's and 5's).</p>

<p>I applied at the end of January, and it said I will receive my decision by the end of March. Here is what I am thinking right now...</p>

<li><p>Send the scores in soon, hopefully admissions will get them and will help my chances</p></li>
<li><p>Wait until I get my decision, and if it's a rejection, then I can use my AP scores to help my case for an appeal</p></li>

<p>Anyone know about this? What should I do?</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t understand this part of your post:</p>

<p>“I sent in my AP scores from high school, but DID NOT send in my AP scores”</p>

<p>I would recommend you call Admissions and ask your question. Nobody on CC can speak with authority on your question.</p>

<p>With that caveat, it’s my understanding that once you have a college record, High School, AP tests, etc. are not determining factors.</p>

<p>As above. College trumps anything from HS. AP scores can give you credits after you are at UW. As always- check with the school and never consider CC the official answer.</p>