<p>Back in school after 17 year hiatus. Didn't care about college back then, do now to the Nth degree...
Will my very old, very pathetic GPA show up from a CCC if I get a brand new 60 credits at CC (half at CO CC half at CCC)?
Btw 4.0 student now, Phi Theta Kappa, OLDER, experienced student, etc.</p>
<p>Yes! It definitely counts and matters.</p>
<p>(SIGH)… was afraid of that. So do they roll that into your cum gpa? Also, how does that affect chances of UCB acceptance?</p>
<p>you can get it academically renewed so don’t sweat it. Especially since it’s been that many years</p>
<p>yeppers. Do the academic renewal. Ask your school how this is done.</p>
<p>borntogrow is wrong. You NEED to apply for Academic Renewal right away! You can get those old (poor) grades off of your transcript. </p>
<p>Go to your counselor and ask about Academic Renewal. Having this hiatus away from school, and with your vastly improved GPA, you should have no issues getting into UCB with Academic Renewal.</p>
<p>Essentially, AR removes the bad grades (F or D) from your transcript, and replaces them with an AR. The UC’s don’t care about AR, and will simply disregard them. AR is Awarded to those students that have turned around their GPA’s and have spent at a year or 2 improving their grades.</p>
<p>I had 2 F’s, 1 D, and 1 W, and I just got into Berkeley as a transfer. I’m also 19. With AR, I have a 3.74. Without AR, I would have around a 3.2 or so.</p>
<p>Please look into this ASAP! It will really help you :).</p>
<p>Let me know how everything goes, and thank me later. lol. :)</p>
<p>Wow! Thanks for the info . . . my mom actually had the same situation (horrible grades from almost 30 years prior) that were rolled into a cummulative GPA that essentially prohibited her being accepted to CAL all those years later. That is why I thought it mattered . . . I think her ship has sailed (this all happened about 8 years ago) but I will let her know about this.</p>
<p>So the letter F gets replaced with AR? i thought it stilled show up on ur transcript but will not hurt your gpa ask your school councelor or admission office!
i know schools like usc doesnt care about gpa forgiveness or AR, everythings gets counted toward ur total GPA :(</p>
<p>@emil that’s inspiring my man! good work raising your grades :)</p>
<p>I also had 2 F’s and a D on my transcript from a long time ago that I never retook or got AR on, but still got into UCLA. However, I found about AR after I had already applied, so I still applied for it, and my GPA went from 3.2 to about 3.5-3.6.</p>
<p>@ predicthisflick: It’s a shame AR doesn’t apply for law school admissions haha.</p>
<p>@ AJ: Thanks man! Yeah, when I started at my CCC I was 16, and definitely wasn’t prepared (emotionally) for the change of environment.</p>
<p>Is AR strictly a CA program? I’m currently in CO (until Jan), and enrolled at CCD. Anyone know if this can be done out of state or if I have to wait until I register with BCC?</p>
<p>P.S. The original (horrible) GPA was from a CCC.</p>
<p>Ask your counselors about academic forgiveness.</p>
<p>I think if you also include it into your personal statement…ya know, the big turn around, they will look at that too.</p>
<p>TravelandSnow: 2 years ago I was in the exact same situation. I came back to school after 12 years of working. I had 15+ Ws, 3Fs when I initially returned to a community college. I retook each of the three classes and got an A in each with academic renewals (UCs honor them…USC does not). Since then, I joined the Honors Program, PTK, completed TAP for UCLA and TAG for UCI. Maintain a high GPA, and I am currently trying to decide which UCs to attend between Berkeley, LA and Irvine. (I was admitted into SD too, but I have decided against it). </p>
<p>I am not here to brag or anything, but I just want to share my story with you because I was worry about the same thing when I first returned to college. Yet, I believe, as long as you’re doing your best, UC Admission officers will see that you’re no longer the student you were 17yrs ago. In all sincerity, I believe the fact that we are non-trad. give us an edge in UC applications. </p>
<p>My advice? Be honest with your application, be candid as to why you screwed up in your personal statement come application time, make the essay compelling and work your ass off while you’re in CC. Good luck!</p>
<p>emilsinclair9: I could be wrong since I did this about a year or two ago, but academical renewal does NOT remove the Ds & Fs off your transcript. The D & F remains, but it will have "retaken at (name of a different JC) or “academic renewal” remarks next to it. The admission officers will still see the D & F, but they will know that the course was retaken at a later time and take the higher grade. I know these policies change from time-to-time, but the above is what I went through when I did it. </p>
<p>To clarify my previous post, all UCs honor academic renewals meaning that they will take the higher grade instead of the D or F. However, USC will take both the new and old grades and avg. the two together in your GPA. Again, this was what I was told by admissions at USC when I inquire about it years ago…Not sure if this is still their policy. I didn’t apply to SC so…</p>
<p>If it helps, UCSD (not sure about the other UCs) lets you retake classes you got less than a C in and will take the higher grade.</p>
<p>Also, older students ftw!</p>
<p>J-Ho ftw!!!</p>
<p>I just realized something…Does anyone know if these academic renewals going to come back and haunt us when we apply for graduate/professional schools later on for like an MBA or Law degree to UCs or out of state schools such as the Ivies?</p>
<p>I have been told those academic renewals will not affect you when you are applying for grad/professional school. JC, I’m in the exact same situation as you, except that I’m at UCSD - and I had to appeal/apply for renewal because of bad grades in Fall of 1994, when I was 17, hahaha.</p>