I know it couldn’t have hurt, but do you think writing a letter would have affected my chances much?
Are you currently on a waitlist?
A brief message to your AO with updates that reflect well upon you (outstanding fall semester grades, prizes, awards, etc) might help. Just keep it short and professional.
No- got deferred then accepted in the NUin program, now wondering if writing a letter could have gotten me into the actual school for september
@teabiscuit NUin is the actual school. You are a Husky like everyone else, even though you won’t be on campus right away. Look at it as an opportunity. Most students who participate in NUin seem to really like it.
@teabiscuit-Son applied RD was deferred, sent email to the email to the NE rep showing interest about the time the mid term grades went out. Got an automated response from NE basically saying the rep was unavailable. We are sure no one saw it. He was admitted Nu in. He wondered if a paper letter would have been more effective.
I wrote a letter around the time the mid year grades were sent. The amdissions officer added it to my admissions files. I was admitted
I’ve really no idea. I got deferred and only sent in my mid-year grades and resume to the school, nothing else, and still got accepted to start in the fall. So it may not make a huge difference.
@mamaedefamilia My daughter was deferred too and she did write a letter. She was accepted into the NUin program. We are unsure if it was every applied to her application though.