doesn't say downloaded yet ...?

<p>I have the cute little green triangles showing that I've submitted, but the "downloaded" status next to them still eludes me. Anyone else having these troubles? </p>

<p>I'll totally naive to this whole college application process (just opened up and learned the wonders of CollegeConf...), and I just assumed CommonApp worked with whatever time zone I am in, so when I hit "submit" at around 11:40, it said "submitted 1/2/09." After an internal "***?!!!?" I looked it up, and it brought me here and then I came to the realization of what a dumbass I really am. </p>

<p>Do you think Princeton is going to cut me off? :( I did the same with a few of the other colleges I applied to (at the same time) and most of them say "downloaded" now. Another question: does "downloaded" really mean they're going to consider your app? Could it possibly mean they've downloaded it, but once they see "1/2/09" they can chuck it (electronically speaking)? </p>

<p>Like many others here, I feel like such an idiot for procrastinating this... :/</p>

<p>i’m in the same boat as you, but don’t panic just yet. i called the admissions office today but they’re closed til monday. i’m assuming they won’t download until then</p>