Don’t Look Up - Netflix movie ***SPOILERS*** Fun discussion

Just watched this so I could join in the fun on this thread. I loved this movie and the ending.


Just ran into The Day After Tomorrow while channel surfing - haven’t seen it in a while and managed to catch it from the start for a change. It made me think of Don’t Look Up for sure - science deniers, politicians, major disaster, et al. I was thinking of all the rain we’re having, then son video called to show the snow in Seattle (actually to show the Space Needle practicing for NYE) and I thought, uh oh. At least in the older movie, only half the people on Earth die. Whew!

I was curious about this movie so last night I watched with H and S. My verdict- overall good movie but seemed to drag at times. Good message about people who don’t believe in science - but not sure those folks will watch or “get it”. There were some great performances - I especially enjoyed Cate Blanchett. The ending (in the credits) was genius!


I just watched an interview with Leo DiCaprio and he said they shot it during the pandemic and that there were parallel truths to be seen between pandemic and climate change. It was originally supposed to be filmed pre-pandemic, but filming was postponed because of it. He also said there was A LOT of improvisation during the filming.


There were two running gags-the snack debacle and the hood over the head thing. Both of them had us dying.

We loved the film.


The sad part is I suspect any earth event could fit in. Water, food, garbage, natural resources, and similar fit in just as well as climate change and the pandemic. There are those who want to fix things, deniers, and don’t-give-a-hoot (by their actions and/or verbally) folks for everything, with more of the latter two than the first.

If gov’t gets involved then things can be cleaned up. The earth is cleaner now than in the 60’s (look at most rivers and Lake Erie for examples), but if the gov’t switches to not giving a hoot (as in the movie) we’re really in trouble. Companies and people won’t do it on their own, esp if money or modifying personal preferences is involved.

The Lorax comes to mind as another movie about it.

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Got it. It was a fun movie with a message

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During the movie I thought a little bit about the Covid parallels. Thought a lot about the climate change parallels because at church we’ve become an “Earth Care” congregation, with lots of studying about environmental issues, climate change, regenerative farming etc.

I thought Meryl Streep was a hoot, with Trump-like behavior. I did not notice some of the things pointed out in articles about the movie, such as Obama’s bias for ivy league researchers and Obama/Clinton smoking habits.

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Waiting for Dr. Fauci to go full on Kate Diabiaski. He probably has, just more privately.


I watched The Day After Tomorrow back when it was out and then a little before the Pandemic, and what struck me is that some of the things they were denouncing for the future… were already happening. For some reason, it made climate disaster real to me (I haven’t had anything horrible happen nearby, except for floods.) If something from a disaster movie and depicted as being years from now was happening for real… kind of like 9/11 and the film Independence Day… you know it’s bad when it’s from a Big Budget Hollywood Disaster film.

What do you think of this review? (I haven’t seen the film, not in the mood for satire/looking forward to Around the World in 80 days instead).
Critics of “Don’t Look Up” Are Missing the Entire Point ❧ Current Affairs

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Very interesting review! It does bring out some of the subtler points that are a bit hidden in the movie. There was a ton of barely noticeable humor and satire and more that flew by. I will probably watch it again “next year” now that I’ve read about the nuances and references I probably missed on first viewing.


I love this review. And I am surprised so many people panned this movie. I can’t wait to watch it again.


Very interesting review, MYOS1634. Thanks for sharing!

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In light of trying to do something to protect the planet, way to go France! I hope more places follow your lead…


Thanks for the “heads up”. :grin: I don’t think I would have watched this, otherwise.


Have any of you read the Last Policeman series? I thought the dinner scene at the end of the movie was very reminiscent of the end of the last book.

Awesome movie. My husband and I really enjoyed it. And the ending was great. “Whatever you do, don’t pet them!” :joy::joy::joy:


You might have read it here; according to this article,the purse was Jonah Hill’s idea and supposed to be Jason’s, not the president’s. However, the nuclear codes would be carried by a military officer, I believe, not Chief of Staff. But that administration could have ignored the rules!

And according to this article, it was a fake Birken. The amount of detail in that movie was amazing.

. “At one point, [Hill] really wanted to have an Hermès [Birkin] purse,” Matheson says. “That was also a problem in terms of insurance. So I found this purse and the purse that he wears in the movie is $38 from Amazon. And so I have his fitting and I’m thinking, ‘Oh, I have to break it to Jonah that it’s not going to be a real Hermès purse,’ so I hand him the purse. He looks at it and goes, ‘This is great,’ and I say, ‘Well, you know it’s not Hermès, it’s $38 from Amazon,’ and he goes, ‘It’s better.’”


Did anyone notice the flags on the homes when Di Caprio returns home toward the end of the movie for their supper together? Trying not to make any “political” comments here, but flags are becoming a statement in my town, so I was curious if they were placed in the movie on purpose.

No, I did not see the flags but thanks for pointing it out. I am going to rewatch it and will look for them. Hmm…