<p>I would donate(sell?) each and every one of my male equivalent of an egg for 1 cent apiece. I would be rich within a week! Would be able to afford 20k+ college tuition :)</p>
<p>In all seriousness... I would be pretty uncomfortable having a kid floating out in the world not knowing who they were. It's kinda... creepy</p>
<p>I would probably donate my eggs, and the thought of a random biological (but not really mine) child doesn't bother me, but what bothers me are the adds in Ivy League papers saying "Wanted: egg donor 1500+ SATs, at least 5'6'', must be musical or athletic" That's like eugenics, almost, and I don't support that at all.</p>
<p>I believe it's called "donating" and not "selling" because it is not regarded as OK to sell a child, a body part, etc. You're "donating" and they're just paying for "expenses" and "compensating" you for what you have to go through.</p>
<p>No, I would not do this. I don't like the idea of manipulating my hormones and putting my body through that. I've heard it's pretty bad. I too wish that more people would consider adoption, although I have never really had the infertility experience so I can't say for sure how I would feel. I think I would be disappointed at not being able to experience pregnancy and birth, but I think I would get over it and would not want to pursue IVF ... but who knows?</p>
<p>I also get annoyed by the type of ads you described. It annoys me that some people are so snobbish and status-conscious apparently they think only an Ivy Leaguer is good enough for them, and they also have stereotypical ideas about what is a desirable person in other regards.</p>
<p>I couldnt ever deal with myself if i did that. jsut because you weren't "directly" involved in the creation of the child doesnt mean it isnt yours. Its genetically yours and besides it involves messing with your hormones too much for my comfort.</p>
<p>I would happily. I believe that if a family is trying to conceive and i can help them in any way... i would do my best. If they want children and i can help... why not.... plus that just money?? wowzers.... but how do they take out the egg?</p>
<p>yeah its an intensive process to get egg out. someone said how its done in a previous post. its due to the seriousness of the procedure that they pay so much. I mean guys just jack off in a cup, its not that easy for women</p>