Don't feel comfortable going into AAP

<p>I have the stats required to gain acceptance into madison, why wasn't I just put into the normal batch of accepted students? My URM status is forcing me to go into a program that I don't see any benefit to what so ever. AAP is basically a program designed to single out the minorities. I just want to blend in and not be known as the kid who got in because of his ethnic background. I want to opt out of this program is there anyway that I can? </p>

<p>Fair question. I would talk to one of the program people in person (as in on the phone) and discuss your feelings. As a former minority student I fully understand how you feel. If your acceptance was conditional on being in that program it might be harder to opt out. I doubt any “regular” students entering in the Fall would even know about it if you dont tell them. You do get a leg up on knowing your way around school etc. It’s not all bad.</p>