Don't forget - Housing application opens at noon (Central time) on 10/1

<p>Just a reminder to new parents - if your child wants to have first choice of dorms and rooms when the choosing happens in the spring, make sure that you pay the refundable housing deposit (and freshman enrollment fee) and fill out the housing application as soon as possible after 12 noon on 10/1. I “hit the button” last year right after the application opened (even though my DS wasn’t 100% sure he was going to UA) - just to get him the option of first choice in the Honors Dorm. It worked out well. He did decide to go to Bama and got a great room, and roommates, in one of the Honors Dorms. My DD has applied for next year - but her high school hasn’t been very good about getting her transcript sent so I probably won’t be able to replicate last year’s feat.</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Just a reminder that to apply for housing you don’t just have to pay the refundable dorm deposit, but you also have to pay the enrollment deposit, which is non-refundable. It sometimes takes a while for the enrollment deposit to process, so if you want to have the very first shot at registering for housing, you need to go ahead and accept the offer of admission and pay the non-refundable enrollment deposit now so that the system accepts the housing deposit on October 1.</p>

<p>How soon does one realistically need to accept admission and pay the deposits to get into the honors dorms? This early housing deal kind of puts kids in a moral gray area when they have not yet decided where they are going to go or even what their opportunities are.</p>

<p>This is discussed every year … and every year, there are disappointed students that waited too late and ended up in a dorm they would not have ordinarily have chosen. You can look back through old threads, but I’m just going by memory. Of course, the earlier, the better! </p>

<p>If you want a guaranteed spot in the honors dorm, then you need to put Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable) AND Housing Deposit (refundable) down ASAP. I believe I remember hearing that you may be able to do that as late as December without any worry. Housing assigns room selection time slots based on the date of deposit. The earlier you deposit, the earlier selection time slot you will get. If you wait, you may be able to choose the dorm you want but may not be on the floor or area that you had hoped for. If you are coming in with no pre-selected roommates, then you will have an easier time selecting a room than if you have all four roommates looking for a room together (A room for 1 easier to find than a room for 4). I believe there was a deadline of February 1 (?) to even be allowed to choose a room, otherwise the room would be assigned for you unless you are “pulled in” by another student.</p>

<p>Last year, we gambled. DS did not pay his deposit until late March or April. Fortunately, he found roommates online and they “pulled him in” to their room. If just one of the four roommates has an early time slot, then all four roommates can get the room that the first one is eligible for. We are very thankful for the roommates of his that did pay the early deposit! And the four get along great! (I just spent the weekend in Tuscaloosa and loved being able to see how well they get along!)</p>

<p>I have already paid the enrollment fee. Is there anything special or extra I will need on Wednesday to access the housing application? </p>

<p>Are you a parent or potential student? If you’re a parent, you need to be able to log in as your student through their MyBama account. You also need their CWID (which they should be able to figure out from their acceptance email etc.) I filled the form out for my son (skipping the section about preferences of music etc.) They can return to the application and fill out that part. Not required to submit. </p>

<p>I am the parent and thank you for the information!</p>

<p>Thanks for the reminder. Where do I look to find the housing application tomorrow? Under the Academics tab or the Student tab?</p>

<p>Her school hasn’t even sent transcripts yet so we will have to gamble I guess.
How much is the enrollment deposit?</p>

<p>^if she hasn’t been accepted yet you won’t be allowed to pay the enrollment or housing deposit.</p>

<p>Yup, I know. I was just curious about how much would not be refundable if, after she is accepted, she deposits then changes her mind. My D has a hard time picking between options- I am guessing she won’t decide until late April.</p>

<p>I believe the total deposit is $500 - $200 non-refundable enrollment deposit and $300 housing deposit. Of the housing deposit, $275 is refundable if you cancel by May 1.</p>

<p>I have the same question as @tam1233- Where do we go in mybama. Is it under the student tab? I haven’t looked yet, but I know that someone here knows the answer to this. :)</p>

<p>It looks like it’s on the “Home” page in the middle.</p>

<p>Yep… it’s in small print under “Campus Housing Application” in the “Currently on MyBama” section.</p>

<p>You can also apply from the Housing website: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Keep in mind, you don’t have to know where you want to live or who you want to live with to complete the application. You’re just telling us to save you a spot!</p>

<p>Hope this helps,

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Done! The application does ask about hours you keep, music preferences, room type preferences and such.</p>

<p>I didn’t fill out any of that stuff other than room preference. Hopefully that’s okay. </p>

<p>I didn’t fill any of that information out either. My daughter is in class, so I will let her do that later. </p>