Don't have enough pieces for portfolio!?

<p>Unfortunately my schedule was messed up during my sophomore year of high school so I was unable to take enough art classes to build a big enough portfolio. I tried doubling up on art classes this year (my senior year) and I still don't have enough pieces for a decent portfolio. Since one of my top three schools (Rochester Institute of Technology) require a portfolio I'm a bit stuck what should I do? Deadline:2/1</p>

<p>In case your interested the other to choices are Virginia Tech & University of Cincinnati (Safety is Wentworth Tech)</p>

<p>And my grades are here:<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Just make art outside of the classroom, you still have a bit of time left.</p>

<p>From what I gathered at various portfolio events, most schools seem to enjoy seeing self-directed pieces and projects as opposed to obvious school assignments.</p>

<p>thx for the post but i don’t think i have that much time since I still have to mail it.</p>

<p>Portfolio pieces are suppost to be from the last two years anyways, so sophomore year shouldn’t matter…
A couple days is more than enough time to start something. They like unfinished stuff so they can see how you work.</p>

<p>how many pieces do you have?</p>

<p>seriously if you sit down and just do hard work for an entire week you could end up having a piece per day or something like that.</p>

<p>8 peices 1 observational 1 architectural 6 structural i also have 1 iron cad piece but its an animation but i don’t know if they’d accept it</p>

<p>Get off the forums now and start drawing. Steal some adderal from a friend if you have to. Just get off the computer and start drawing and painting and doing whatever. Even if it’s just in a sketchbook.</p>

<p>A portfolio piece doesn’t have to take you more than 2 hours. I’d say about 6 hours for it to be great. (especially considering you have art experience) You have more than enough time you have at least 2 weeks, so try to do a piece every 2 days, and then you’ll have more than enough pieces to chose from.</p>

<p>Skip class if you have to, pretend your sick have someone call in if it gets crazy go to the school counselor and fake an emotional breakdown, tell them the stress from college applications is getting to you. They will baby you and not count your absences against you and you can catch up on your school work later. </p>

<p>Or you can apply as a transfer for the spring semester and work on your portfolio this summer.</p>

<p>if youre good at photo you could always throw a few in there, what are you applying for?</p>

<p>A month is plenty of time. If you work at it you could at least finished 3 more pieces before your portfolio is due >_> If you want you could do figure drawing gestures which take less time to do. I am sending at least 2 of them just because they were quicker to get done but looked impressive if you could do it right.</p>

<p>I’m Applying for Industrial Design</p>