Don't know if I should still go to university :/ advice?

<p>I have been accepting the Purdue University for this upcoming year. My major is General Health Sciences. However, I've realized I want to do nursing, and I know for a fact that the program is pretty competitive. </p>

<p>But here is my problem. Tuition. I'm not poor, however I'm not rich either. Yes I understand that you do not have to be rich to attend college. However, the idea of coming of college after four years with loans really stresses me out. My parents are helping me pay it off they said, but that just makes me feel bad. While, I plan to get a job in college to save up for the long run when I have to pay them off, I just don't know about university anymore. </p>

<p>I want to be a nurse as I stated earlier. And lately I have been considering just going to Ivy Tech and hopefully completing the nursing program in order to be an RN, then eventually going to Purdue University for the RN to BSN program. </p>

<p>My question is, is this a good idea? </p>

<p>Sorry that this is so long, I'm just wondering if I'm making the right choice :/ my parents give me so much, and I do not want to waste any of their money if CODOing into the nursin program at West Lafayette does not work out. They do not accept many people who transfer in I hear, which is completely understand-able since space is limited.</p>

<p>Oh and I don’t think I mentioned that I’ve already choose my classes for purdue and all that. I’m pretty much in. I feel absolutely ridiculous for having these doubts so late :(</p>

<p>Everyone second guesses, just go. You will have your whole life to pay off very low interest loans and the return on your investment will far outweigh the pittance of debt you take on.</p>

<p>Nursing is very competitive, however many people wash out of college long before they get to nursing school. The last time i looked, my University had only 17% of incoming freshmen completing the original degree they came in with… almost everyone changes majors. </p>

<p>In the end, if you realize that you want to do something other than healthcare or nursing, a bachelors in anything will get you to your new career path quicker than having a certificate.</p>

<p>i suggest go to purdue, apply for the nursing program, and if you don’t get in, transfer out to another college with a nursing program. You probably want to apply as a transfer and apply for a CODO at the same time.</p>

<p>If you live in Indianapolis, a good alternative to Ivy Tech for nursing is Marian University. It is a private school but not real expensive if you live and home and commute. Much, much easier to get into their nursing program than IU, Purdue, or IUPUI. You take general classes for one year, then go into the nursing school last three years. Daughter just graduated from Marian in May and has a job at IU hospital already.</p>

<p>[School</a> of Nursing](<a href=“]School”>missing-page)</p>