Don't know what I did wrong?

<p>I’m three weeks into my freshman year and I absolutely love it. Aside from the freedom, interesting classes, flexible schedule, and awesome room, I’ve made tons of new friends, in various groups, so making time to see all them during the week has been somewhat difficult. Generally, I get to see everyone at least once, but one of my friends in particular has been hard to meet up with. Over the past couple of weekends, I’ve invited him to hang out with us, but he always has something else planned. Tired of always having to be the one to extend the invitation, I told him to just text me whatever day works for lunch, which he said he would. It’s been almost a week and I’ve heard nothing from him, which makes me wonder, did I do something wrong? I understand that being an engineering major, he has a lot more work to do than most people, but I’ve been able to hang out with my other engineering friends without any problems. To be honest, I don’t feel like know him enough to have done something wrong, so I don’t understand what’s going on. What should I do?</p>

<p>Don’t ask me. I had this same problem with my freshman chem group. There were 4 of us and we got along pretty well. But it turned out that everyone was perpetually “unavailable”. I took it as a hint and just dropped it. Haven’t spoken to them since…3 years later.</p>

<p>Sometimes you can’t be friends with everyone. It also sounds like you’re on track for overextending yourself. Social is good but having to treat it like a chore is bad.</p>

<p>I agree with queen. I know some people who always say, “Oh, let’s hang out,” but always bail last minute only to discover they went to another party. Usually, people who bail out a lot aren’t your true friends. Flakiness is a good way to tell who your friends are from the start.</p>

<p>If you’re not having problems befriending other people, then it’s not you, it’s him. If he wants to hang out, that’s cool, but don’t count on him for anything. You don’t have to totally write him off, but I wouldn’t keep contacting him or anything.</p>

<p>Let the old man give his opinion. In life if you have 1 or 2 true friends consider yourself fortunate.</p>

<p>Ask yourself: if I was in my car broken down hours away at 3 AM? which of my FRIENDS would get out of bed and drive to help me?</p>

<p>Answer it honestly and you will know who your friends are.</p>

<p>People you hang out with and party with are great to have and to share your college experiences with. but if some just fade away? dont worry it is natural continue on when you truly have found a friend you will know it and so will he or she.</p>

<p>Honestly, he might just not want to be friends. Not to sound rude, but I find it so annoying when someone I’m not too fond of keeps trying to befriend me. I (and everyone else) simply do not click with some people. You have other friends, you’re having a great time, just let it go. If he contacts you about hanging out, great. If not, he’s probably not interested.</p>