<p>I'm uncertain about what major and career I want to pursue. I'm in the second semester of my freshman year and I've switched from Biological Engineering to Computer Science and didn't particularly like either of them. I've tried to get a taste of some other fields by taking courses for some of my gen ed requirements (political science, poetry, and performance studies). I'm a straight-A student, first in my class, but I'm not really sure what my particular strengths are, and even less sure what my interests are. I'm good at math, fine at science, and I can write a decent essay. But I'm not one of those people who is destined for some particular career. I have hardly any passion for anything.</p>
<p>My initial choice of Biological Engineering was kind of on a whim. To put it ridiculously simply, I wanted to be part of the cyborg-ification of humanity I hoped would happen as the century progresses. Stupid, I know. I realized it wouldn't actually be exciting, but I figured I could make decent money with that major anyway. So I took the intro class, and CAD was fun-ish. But taking a job as a research assistant in BE, and just thinking about doing BE as a career, I began to hate it. I don't want to be stuck in a lab, working out the minutiae of some device or treatment or other. It would just bore me to death.</p>
<p>So I thought I'd study Computer Science and be a software designer or programmer or something. I enjoyed some programming classes in high school and I love video games. So I took the first two CS classes. I liked how making a program could be sort of a logic puzzle and that I had a concrete product when I was done. But I don't really care for the subject like a lot of the other CS majors do. I have less and less curiosity about how things work, and the more esoteric concepts and syntax and such make me dread future CS classes.</p>
<p>For a while, though, I've dreamed of being a writer, so I'm thinking of majoring in Creative Writing. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy as a kid, at least until video games began to consume all my leisure time. Recently I've been reading more as well (I've read three and a half of the Song of Ice and Fire series since the summer). I've tried writing on my own a few times, but I don't get very far before doubt brings me to a halt. I'm not sure creative writing is right for me- I'm not very creative and I have a low tolerance for artsy BS. It's not like I have a great passion for literature- it's just that writing doesn't seem quite as soul-crushing as the alternatives I've considered. Of course, with an English BA my job prospects aren't as good as with the other majors. I guess there are worse jobs than English teacher, but I'm really introverted and shy and I might have trouble teaching.</p>
<p>Does anyone have any advice on what major I should pick? Even if it's not one I've mentioned, and you just think it might be a good fit for me. I feel like I'm trying to get someone to reinforce my choice of Creative Writing, but really, I don't just want to be told what I want to hear.</p>