<p>I'm getting more nervous about the college application process now to the point where I no longer know what to do ( than what I've though of over, over and over etc...). Right now I have intentions on completing a few more college applications, all are reaches for me. I also have finished college applications only hearing back from 3 so far, the rest I haven't heard back from are also reaches.
University of Iowa, Arizona ( accepted)
University of Michigan ( deferred)
University of Illinois, Minnesota ( have not heard back yet)
I have efc of 0, stats below average cc, only in-state school I'm applying to is UMich, biggest application downfall is definately standerdized test score(s). So I'm getting nervous that come May I will get into few, and where I'am admitted I can not afford. Though gladly to mention I did receive scholarships at Iowa ( University of Iowa National Scholars Award, Advantage Iowa Award). Well I would like to study political science and economics or economics and international relations. </p>
<p>Any advice on what to do, very important and helpful... thanks. I would not like to take out loans anymore more than 5k ( prefer 0 debt).</p>