Dont make this mistake

<p>i said “roll tide” to a person wearing a atlanta braves cap (the “A” script is really similar). he had no idea what i was talking about</p>

<p>Oops. Live and learn, lol.</p>

<p>I gave a “Roll Tide” last Saturday at Whole Foods to a pre-occupied lady wearing a Bama t-shirt and, without even looking up, she gave me a sweet, buttery one right back as she cruised by with her shopping cart, as though it was the most natural thing in the world . . . even in Hawaii. Tr</p>

<p>Siglio, it’s hard to believe that someone wouldn’t know what Roll Tide meant, even if they weren’t from Alabama. When we were at the Festival of the Lion King show at Disney World last year, the guy from the audience who was picked to make the elephant sound said “Roll Tide.” Even my 10 year old got it, and we’re from Illinois.</p>

<p>I can believe it Sig -
I wear my Bama Columbia fishing shirt with the script A on the pocket - many people have assumed I’m just wearing a monogrammed shirt… (ala Laverne & Shirley)
as if!</p>

<p>Siglio, there have been many times when I’ve almost made that same mistake. The easiest way to tell the two apart is that the Alabama A has an additional hook-type mark on the top.</p>

<p>So funny! I never could understand why we had so many Braves fans in the Deep South, as I also did not know the distinction between the two A’s. So relieved to finally learn last year that THAT A is for Bama, not the baseball equivalent of the Dirty Birds! Apologies to my Atlanta friends, but here in Saints country, it is heresy to wear anything associated with Atlanta!</p>

<p>“many people have assumed I’m just wearing a monogrammed shirt” </p>

<p>When at Bama in Dec for our visit my son decided that was where he was going so naturally we stocked up on shirts and hats for the whole family. My daughters name starts with A so I think I am now glad I went with “Alabama Crimson Tide” on the front and not the one with the big A. :)</p>

<p>BTW… Got my first “Roll Tide” up here in Maine when I was wearing my Bama baseball hat while grocery shopping last week. Was pretty cool.</p>

<p>At first I did not like the script A logo because it is so similar to the Atlanta Braves’ logo (it’s is NOT used for the Atlanta Falcons, AFAIK), but I have grown to love it…it’s very elegant. Personally I like just the embroidered A on a more formal shirt; however, if I lived OOS, I’d prefer the old A logo with the elephant through the middle. I never did like the “fierce elephant” logo.
It’s nice to have a lot of choices.
A friend’s sister-in-law in Pittsburgh often wore her “BAMA” sweatshirt to a local mall. One day a girl came up to her and asked, "What is ‘BAHMA?’</p>

<p>I too love driving around in my car and DS’s car with my Bama Mom and Univ. of Alabama window stickers. Can’t tell you how many thumbs up and “Roll Tide” I’ve gotten from other drivers here in Orange County CA. I do have to say I’ll never get the proper pronunciation of my RT, but my nephew (3) is now “tri-lingual” he’s got it down pat. Loves to send his big cousin videos and signs off with a down south “RT”. Of course he then won’t let his mom alone until he puts on his Bama shirt.</p>

<p>We have Bama stickers on all our cars but bumped it up a step for DS. For Christmas ordered him a Crimson metal plate frame and ordered him a new license plate… His new plate reads. R TIDE R. :)</p>

<p>Ooops… Forgot to add… The frame says Alabama in the top and Crimson Tide on the bottom.</p>

<p>Was at the UPS store sending a package to my D and while I was in the process of telling the sorority address and an elderly gentleman leaned over, tipped his hat and in a deep southern drawl said “Roll Tide”. He went on to tell me he was from Oxford Mississippi (home of Ole Miss) but a true southern gentleman always addressed a Bama belle with a a “roll tide”!</p>

<p>Cruisefan - love the license plate. What part of So Maine are you from? We have been known to be down easterners even though we frequent an island just over the bridge on the CA side.</p>

<p>We are in Biddeford… Just a bit north of Portland and one town South of Kennebunkport. Nice area… Could go for some warmer weather right now though!</p>



<p>Rose808 and I are booking reservations. You can PM us. :)</p>

<p>Yeah, the caribbean sounds nice about now. Not in the cards I fear. And now my D is moving from So Cal to NorCal, so I may never see the real sun again. Perhaps not a bad thing as I’m constantly at the Dermatologists.</p>

<p>We (just DW and me) are on countdown to the Caribbean… 10 weeks from today we will be sailing away on vacation. Can’t WAIT! Still some open cabins Malanai…</p>


<p>Ah, the grass is always greener . . .</p>

<p>We’re dying to ski.</p>

<p>Oh, Malanai, You are just teasing us and trying to make us feel better. But, if you really want to ski, I have a driveway with a seven foot pile of snow next to it (kinda like a small ski slope) Your welcome to it :)</p>

Which ship are you going on. I used to be the Director of Cruising for a travel company (in a former life) so I used to cruise every quarter. Ah, good times.</p>