Don't You Hate When Teachers Don't Use AP Test Curves?

<p>Wow, I really hate it when teachers use actual questions from AP tests on tests/quizzes, yet refuse to grade to the AP scale. It's fun because getting 70% right would normally equate to a 5 on an AP test, but it's a C- for us...</p>

<p>Lawl, I like how one of my teachers once said she wouldn’t curve because, “this is an AP class, which means it’s a college class, and college classes don’t curve.”

<p>eh. deal with it.</p>

<p>70% isn’t a 5 in the humanities.</p>


yes because that would mean you got 0/30 of the things your grader was looking for on your paper.</p>

<p>Yes. My APUSH teacher grades HARDER than the College Board. He even told us so.</p>

<p>Well then at least you know if you have an A in the class, you should get a 5 on the exam :cool:</p>

<p>It means your teachers are holding you to a higher standard! (and therefore, that they’re teaching you enough that they can do that.) Don’t you just love being better than the rest of the nation?</p>

<p>The APUSH exam is pretty lenient. It’s not that hard to skip an essay and still get a 5.</p>

<p>Curves aren’t a right; they’re a bonus.</p>

<p>I’m taking the 2008 AP CHem test tomorrow 4 mid-terms… wish me luck and we don’t get a curve but a sliding scale though. Last year everyone who took the AP chem exam failed so I’m scared.</p>



<p>No, they correct scores. If you needed 90% to get a 5 in AP Physics, nobody would reach it. That level of expectations is completely unrealistic.</p>


it’s realistic, onejust needs to be real epic at physics.</p>

<p>It would be interesting to see how many high school physics teachers could get 90% on the AP test. Probably very very few.</p>

<p>Getting 70% of the questions right on an AP Test will generally get you a 5?</p>

<p>Yes, usually less than that actually.</p>

<p>For World History, what score should you get on the DBQ to have a chance at getting a 4-5? Or does the score come from what you get on the test?</p>

<p>That’s about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Getting 95% or 85% of the possible points is simply not realistic.</p>

<p>On the typical HS class exam, the average grade is a C (~70-75%). On the AP, the average raw score is probably less than 50%. The two are TOTALLY comparable…stupid teacher.</p>



<p>Depends on the test. In the sciences, 60-65% is the minimum. In English, you need close to 80% IIRC.</p>


I think that is about right. But you do have to factor that, unlike most college classes, yo lose points for incorrect answers.</p>

<p>Luckily my Spanish teacher does do that. I got a 3/14 and it was curved to a 10/14.</p>