Dorm Advice

<p>Hoping I can get some advice on the upcoming year. I'm living in Sellery and am wondering about how much to bring. Do most people bring microwaves, where do they typically go in the room?? I'm guessing on the fridge. Also what about TV and DVD player. Should I bring an extra stand to put them on? We are planning on lofting so we'll have some room under the beds. How big are the closets? Sorry if some of these questions are lame, I'm just trying to plan ahead. I appreciate any guidance you can share.</p>

<p>Items you and your roommate may want to bring (decide who brings what):</p>

stand or coffee table for TV
Extra mini fridge
Large piece of carpeting for floor</p>

<p>You may also want a good quality 2-3 inch thick memory foam mattress topper (I got one on for about $110 after sales price (reduced from $325) and 30% discount ‘coupon code’ I googled).</p>

<p>Don’t worry about getting the memory foam topper- not all want them and it is another expense, but do get your own mattress pad as the ones provided are worthless. They used to limit the # of fridges/microwaves per room- power consumption, check with Res Halls on this. Carpet- check for softness, some are so rough you wouldn’t want them.</p>

<p>Target has a very nice, thick quilted mattress pad for $40. My oldest daughter has used hers for the past 2 years, loved it, and is now passing it on to her younger sister who will be in the dorm this fall.</p>

<p>Items I brought with to dorm:</p>

<p>Clock radio

<p>For cooling items they were hung out the window. Very effective most of the time.</p>

<p>PS-Everything fit easily into a 1969 VW Bug.</p>

<p>barrons- what you and I brought is irrelevant- decades old info. In my day that bug would have been almost new.</p>

<p>A fan is good to have for most/unairconditioned dorms.</p>

<p>The point is not to stress over it so much. I guess a sense of humor is not your strength.
And yes, it was like new. Wish I had kept it. That little car carried 4 guys from Madison to Baja California and back.</p>

<p>Our D lived in Sellery, she and her roommate (a person she did not know well) could not decide in advance on the futon, so they got there, waited 2 weeks, wanted one and ordered on line. Some nice boys helped move it upstairs (I think she is dating one of them now). A small (desktop) fan was great, she had it up in the loft to sleep. The small microwave fit right on top of the fridge UW provided, they did not need any extra space they are pretty big actually. We ran to target and got her 2 of the about 12 inch wide plastic drawers (3 drawers high) that fit in the closet, that was a big help. But they (housing) do a bus trip to target so you can get it once you are there. She ended up too busy to watch TV, and if she did it was usually in a lounge with friends anyways. So, they never got one.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t necessarily get a TV. You can have one if you want, but you’ll probably be too busy. If there’s a certain show you want to watch you can watch it online. I had one first semester, it was nice to have but I didn’t watch much. I didn’t have one second semester and I didn’t really miss it.</p>

<p>Now I’m living in an apartment and we’re getting a TV but I think it’ll mostly be used for having friends over to watch movies, etc.</p>

<p>I just finished up my year in Witte (same exact thing as Sellery).</p>

<p>When you loft the beds, they’re on your desk/bookshelf and dresser/bookshelf. You’ll have room for a futon and I strongly recommend one. Many people get a TV stand; a lot of people just put the TV on the fridge. You definitely want a microwave too. If you don’t watch much TV though (like me), there’s a TV in the den with cable where you can watch your show. Closets are a lot bigger than you expect. I could have fit my whole wardrobe honestly. Get a closet organizer! For shoes, sweatshirts, etc. Hope this helps!</p>