Dorm Assignment

<p>My son got his dorm assignment earlier this week and found out he would be a triple in a double room. Just wondering if any others are in the same situation.</p>

<p>DD was also placed in a triple but we don’t know if it’s a two or four person room. I assumed a four person until I saw your post. She will be in the forest dorms but doesn’t know which one.</p>


<p>so they are putting three people in a room made for two? That does not seem right. Am I understanding the situation correctly. And if so what explanation does the college have?</p>

<p>Yes, they are placing three students in a room built for two. I’m certain that’s the case for Erin too. We’re not happy with it either. Their explanation was that more students are planning to go than they expected, so they need to make accommodations for everyone. With normal dropout rates, they expect that by the second semester, everyone can be back to two to a room. In some cases, it could happen before school starts, if a student ends up going somewhere else and didn’t notify them.</p>

<p>We emailed them as concerned parents, questioning them on how three could function in a room for two. What they do is make bunk beds with two, loft the third bed and place a desk and dresser under it. I figured that by emailing them, they know we are concerned, so our son will be higher on the “list” when a room opens up. Erin’s Dad, it wouldn’t hurt if you inquired about it too, if your daughter isn’t happy about it.</p>

<p>Our son wasn’t entirely happy about it either. He did have a concern on who would leave when a room opened up. They do give them the option to stay together. His other concern was the difficulty in arranging what shared stuff to bring (i.e., refrigerator, microwave, etc.). If they divvy it up, the room will end up losing something.</p>

<p>Oh, and there is a room reduction if they end up rooming together past Dec 1st. It’s something like $580. A prorated amount will be given should the third person leave earlier.

<p>I’ll discuss with DD2 (Erin was DD1 who is off at Denison :slight_smile: . As you suggest, it might be a good idea to make a similar call.</p>

<p>Sorry about that. Yes, I figure it wouldn’t hurt to make your concerns known. At least we’ll be in front of the ones who don’t inquire when they start moving kids, should they want it. </p>

<p>S4 has already made contact with one of his roommates. That’s about as much as I know since he doesn’t offer any details. Do you realize it’s about a month before they go? Mom realized it yesterday and made the first request for him to start thinking about what he needs to bring. It will probably be 3 days before we leave before he does it and any last minute running around will be left to mom and dad because he’s working late. At least we’ve been through it before and have an idea of what to expect.</p>

<p>DD2 has apparently sent E-Mails to her roommates but hasn’t heard back yet (she is also quiet about everything - I had to ask her about it). DW and DD2 took the list she got this week and checked off what she already had, then went shopping yesterday. Most of it was bought at BB&B and should be waiting at the other end in Portland. Now we have to get ready to ship a big box out there.</p>