Dorm Assignments Are Up

<p>How is Lee?</p>

<p>Lee isn’t horrible. No AC and it’s traditional style, but you are right next to the sports facilities and in a pretty central location for the dining halls. It beats Pritchard or Slusher at least.</p>

<p>can someone tell me about third floor of newman hall?</p>

<p>Anyone in Monteith Hall? From what I’ve read on CC, it doesn’t sound that great but oh well.</p>

<p>where did you read things about your hall</p>

<p>You can go here:[Student</a> Programs - Virginia Tech - Virtual Tour](<a href=“]Student”> and get basic info on the dorms. Monteith is pretty bad since it is split with the corps.</p>

<p>I just searched on college confidential, but there’s also some basic info on tech’s housing site: [Student</a> Programs - Virginia Tech - Housing](<a href=“]Student”> Try google too.</p>

<p>can someone please tell me if they know anything about newman hall like from people that have lived there in the past.</p>

<p>My older son says that Newman is a pretty standard dorm (he was in Lee for 2 yrs), and that it seemed like most of the international students are there. Mosaic theme housing is based in Newman. My 2nd son was assigned to Newman also.</p>

<p>I was initially assigned to Monteith but was reassigned to West AJ because of marching band.</p>

<p>Anyone know anything about West AJ?</p>

<p>West AJ is good for band since you’re right next to the practice field. It’s actually in a pretty decent location; right next to two of the major dining halls, and you can see the basketball and baseball stadiums from the dorms. As far as amenities go though, it’s pretty rock bottom. No AC, traditional style, I have no idea where you’ll be doing your laundry since the laundry room is in East AJ which is currently being gutted. Hopefully they’ll keep that part open for you all. I lived in AJ for a year and survived though, so it’s certainly possible, haha.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information :)</p>

3rd floor Newman is a GREAT place to live! I’m probably not your best source, because I lived there 30 years ago, so I have no idea if it now has A/C or anything like that. I loved living in Newman. I lived in the ‘upper’ end of the 3rd floor: 344 two years, and 342 one year. I felt the location was great – pretty central so it was easy to get to classes in McBryde, the ag quad, close to the ‘town’ end of campus. The hardest thing was that back then, you had to carry your laundry to the basement on the opposite side of Owens dining hall. I’m sure that many, many things have changed, making me a less than ideal source of info, but you must believe me that Newman will be a great place for you to live! I’m so glad I saw your post, as I have been thinking about dorm living quite a bit, since my oldest child will be moving to college in a couple of weeks, and he has lots of questions about what it was like for me. Enjoy your time in Newman, and make as many great memories as I did!</p>