Dorm Assignments

<p>My son gave his dorm priorities over a month ago and paid the $250 deposit. Does anyone when one learns what dorm one is ultimately assigned to? Does one get an email or is it put in MyWisc somehow?</p>

<p>Your son should find out late this month or very early next month. Should be an e-mail sent, I believe that’s what happened to me, then you log onto the housing portal and find who the roommate is, dorm, and room.</p>

<p>Once May has come and all rankings are due Res Halls will have the computer assign rooms based on those and the random list of who gets their choice first (no first come, first served at UW). Results are sent before the first SOAR session so students know where they will be living when they are on campus this summer.</p>

<p>I believe I found out in early June.</p>

<p>btw- this system seems a lot better than some others. U of Minn did a first come, first serve by housing application date and room assignments came out in August when son and friends were HS seniors. UW students have plenty of time to chat with their future roommates and decide who might bring things to share- such as a microwave oven.</p>

<p>I found out the first week of June as well, remember people could change their preferences until May 1st so they need some time to sort everything out.</p>