dorm cost

<p>Is dorm cost in COA the min or max value of the dorm available?</p>

<p>Also, is it a year of half year contract? Are there come payment plans or is it just semester payment?</p>

<p>This link very clearly states that the estimated costs are per semester: <a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;
Here is a slightly different version of the same thing: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
The dorm cost listed is for the four-person suites, per person: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
Payment plan info: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s a year contract, but it is priced per semester. COA is for the pricier dorms…4 room suites.</p>

<p>Paul, i thought you and your mom were moving to AL and you were going to live with her.</p>

<p>there are payment plans, but are you an intl? if so, not sure if they are available for intls.</p>

<p>^my dad wants me to stay in dorm, so I was thinking. yeah I am intl.
when do we pay for dorm?</p>

<p>I think you have to pay sometime in July, but I am not sure. are you needing a new visa? you may need to contact the Int’l admissions because your situation is unique. </p>

<p>is your mom going to move now, next year, or never?</p>

<p>at this point, whether she will move or not has become vague.</p>

<p>however I may move in to Somerville because it’s the most economic option for me.</p>

<p>are you a girl? i thought you were a boy.</p>

<p>contact carolyn rogers in int’l admissions
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>carolyn is excellent with info. ask her when you have to pay…make sure she understands that you are already in the US, graduating from a US school, etc. </p>

<p>(btw…do you need a new visa, or is the one you currently have good enough to carry you thru til you get your green card?)</p>

<p>be sure to mention to carolyn what kind of visa you have, that may make a difference about when you have to pay. those coming from abroad need to 'show the money" early so that their visas can be processed iin time.</p>

<p>^^ Somerville = female-only dorm: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
They do not make this fact clear on the projected rate chart: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>One question regarding Bryce Lawn apartments-- do you get these apartments for the summer as well, or do they work on the same 9 month schedule as the dorms?</p>

<p>They are 9-mo contracts only. They are used during the summer for other purposes. You can purchase on-campus housing during the summer, if needed, but not guaranteed you get the same room/building that you are in now. Many students have to move to other dorm locations for the summer, then move back to their original dorm, etc.</p>

<p>mom2collegekid,s I ddind’t know Somerville is for girls. Thanks for the great contact infor! Aeromom, thanks for the clarification :slight_smile: ( I am surprised that Mom2collegekid know about int kids)</p>

<p>For visa I already applied for F-1 and am waiting for it being issued. My I-20 is complete. Mr. Charter Morris wrote a letter that my visa be issued at the latest August 20th, the date that classes start. </p>

<p>BTW, does anyone know about BAMA Plan? what is it? It says in website like it’s kinda an affordable payment plan…</p>

<p>I am not sure if the Bama Plan is available to intl students because of the rules about how intl students have to show funding for their visas. i am also not sure if Bama runs the Bama Plan or if Sallie Mae does. </p>

<p>contact carolyn and ask her if you can use the bama plan.</p>

<p>The Bama Plan, according to the post card we received, is administered by Higher One Inc. Agree with Mom2ck, contact Carolyn and ask her if you can use the plan. Representative 800 635 0120 for Bama Plan can perhaps also tell you.</p>