<p>So I applied for housing about a week ago and requested az/so. After reading more about it, I realized that I don’t want to live there because I think it will be too loud. The reason I requested it in the first place was because it was the only dorm I know of that has 3 person rooms. Are there any other dorms with 3 person rooms? Thanks!</p>
<p>As far as I know, AZ-SO is the only 3 person dorm. I’d like to hear from current students about the comparison of living in AZ-SO compared to one of the newer dorms on Highland, such as VDP.</p>
<p>Any students have opinions on AZ-SO compared to one of the newer ones on Highland?</p>
<p>AZ-So isn’t actually that loud of a dorm, despite what people may tell you. I’m a Soph at UA and have had many friends who lived there. It’s louder than say, an honors dorm, but nowhere near as loud as Coronado. I believe azso is the only 3 person per room dorm.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info. She’s not comparing it to an honor’s dorm, but she is comparing it to the newer ones on Highland. She wants a social dorm for sure.</p>