Dorm internet login difficulty

<p>Son has moved in this weekend and is having trouble logging into the internet in his dorm using his passsword. Was the resnet changed over the summer and is anyone else having trouble accessing the internet? Any solutions that worked for anybody that he can try before going to IT tomorrow?</p>

Did he log in with the new password. Have him log in to mybama then go to the tech tab at the top. There is a whole new set of log in instructions posted.</p>

<p>Thanks a million, NYBama! Since he had no internet access, I had to log into his account and walk him through until he was connected. It worked and he’s online; thanks again!</p>

<p>^^^^Great, we had our very tech savy oldest son (works for Apple) with us at move-in so he setup everything for his little brother. Computer, printer etc.</p>

<p>You still have to call IT # to get the new password, tho, right? Or???</p>

<p>The instructions on how to connect to the UA WPA-PSK has the student call IT for the password. However, we found it within the Tech tab, left side, under Wireless, then Student Secure Wireless. I don’t know if that is a temporary, one-time password which he will need to change for subsequent logins. I will have him call IT anyway to make sure.</p>

<p>Has any other students had trouble getting Internet to work in their dorm rooms? I am able to connect to the Internet in my common room but as soon as I enter my room I lose my connection.</p>

<p>That particular password for the PSK network has been in use for quite some time.</p>

<p>I have also found it helpful to register the MAC address (hardware serial number of both your ethernet and wireless adapters) here:</p>

<p>[Register</a> Your Computer](<a href=“]Register”></p>

<p>A separate registration page for other types of devices, such as game consoles (Xbox):</p>

<p>[Register</a> Your Computer](<a href=“]Register”></p>

<p>My daughter and her roommate were having trouble logging in at presidential Village. My husband was so frustrated since he is our “geek squad”. After they went to the mandatory dorm floor meeting that night after move-in they talked about it and told them the correct passwords and how to login so everything was good for them</p>

<p>Yeah I have the password and the Internet is working fine on my computer. But as soon as I step into my room I lose all Internet connection on my iphone.</p>

<p>^^^ When your iPhone loses its internet connection, is it connected to campus WiFi?</p>

<p>Or, is it losing internet access because of a poor cell signal? What mobile provider is your iPhone used with?</p>

<p>Each carrier has their weak areas on campus, and some are weaker than others. Also, the residence hall you are in and the floor you are on can make a big difference.</p>

<p>If you haven’t already, try to get your iPhone joined to the WiFi network. It would be very strange if your phone could not get a good WiFi signal in your room, especially if your computer is working well on WiFi. Are you using WiFi for your computer, or the wired network connection in your personal room?</p>