dorm living

<p>at purdue are you required to move out after 2 years out of the dorms and into an apartment? and if so how far are they from purdue/cost of the rent?</p>

<p>no, you can stay for as long as you want</p>

<p>I'll answer your second question even though you may not need the info...</p>

<p>the disparity between apartment costs and dorm costs depends upon where you live. Some of the dorms cost under $4K per year, including meal plan; others cost $7-8K. Apartments run the same way. The quality is not always reflected in the amount that you pay, though by and large you can expect to pay between $500-$600 (rent and utilities) per month in a nicer one bedroom apartment. Generally, it become cheaper if you have roommates or live in a house.</p>

<p>which dorm is the most coveted?</p>

<p>Probably Hillenbrand.</p>

<p>why? :)</p>


<p>It's the newest, it's air conditioned, I live in Hillenbrand it's really nice, though you have to be a sophomore. Also one of the most expensive.</p>

<p>Some info on dorms:
The dorms here are just your typical college sized dorms, unless you live in Hillenbrand (typically an all-upperclassman dorm) or in one of the suites in Cary Quad (an all guys dorm, but suites are for upperclassman)... then they are pretty nice. Some of other dorms are kinda small, but they are not bad. I lived in Harrison, which is pretty much the same as McCutcheon, and it was fine for me. People in McCutcheon seem to be a little crazier than people in Harrison, though. Guys tend go really wild in Tarkington, or at least, whenever I was there, they did... but I guess guys go crazy in every dorm. Earhart is pretty popular because it has a dining hall in it and air conditioning, but the rooms are smaller than the ones in Harrison and McCutcheon... and the air conditioners in earhart's rooms make the room kinda damp. Shreve, Meredith, Owen, etc... they are all just typical dorms.</p>

<p>is the Cary Quad almost always taken or its the least popular one?</p>

<p>What dorm would you suggest for a freshman girl? A/C is a must, so I am wondering if Earhart and Shreve would be good? Is it hard to get in those two as a freshman?</p>

<p>We will be visiting Purdue soon, and I would like my daughter to see some decent dorms. (She really wants to go straight into an apartment, but I am against that.)</p>


<p>Yeah, I wouldnt recommend going straight to an apartment. Then again I have an out of state bias, so if she already has a friend crew established, then thats her choice. I lived in wiley (all male) and had a great time. Earhart and Shreve are very comparable, Earhart has a dining hall, but Shreve is closer to the Rec and to classes (not by much).</p>

<p>advmom, whether your daughter will be assigned to shreve or earhart depends upon when she sent in her housing deposit and application. If A/C is a must for medical reasons, though, you might mention that...I think that the university will make every effort to accomodate her in that way.</p>

<p>how is young hall?
it seems to be quite cheap</p>

<p>We are out-of-state, so she will probably not know anybody to get an apartment with. I don't think she understands that most students in apartments have roommates.</p>

<p>She is a HS junior. I understand that most universities require housing deposits early to get the better dorms.</p>

<p>She has no medical need for A/C, but I know she would be uncomfortable and complaining without it.</p>


<p>Definitely don't get an apartment as a freshman, especially if you don't know too many people. Living in the dorms is the easiest way to meet people (it's tough to make friends in a 200 person lecture hall at 8 am)</p>

<p>Thanks. We toured one of the dorms last week (Earhart). It wasn't bad. </p>

<p>For the person that asked about Young Hall - it is closing next year.</p>

<p>I wouldn't recommend getting into Meredith Hall. My son's GF hates it there. Earhart is a really nice dorm. Windsor is also a pretty dorm on the outside but I haven't known anyone who lived there. Windsor also has a dining hall.</p>

<p>I have lived in Winsor-Vawter since second semester. During the winter, there is no difference between these halls and any of the others; they're all heated.
The convenience to campus is amazing when it's really cold, too. Having a dining court accessible without venturing outside into the blizzards is wonderful. :)
Now that it's warming up, I'm considering the benefits of a box fan. The whole place is very bright, and the girls here are nice, not the overly estrogen-charged atmosphere one might expect.</p>

<p>My S is finishing his freshmen year at purdue. S lived at Hilltop which he initially loved because it felt more like an apartment to him but the distance from Hilltop to his classes became a pain and they are pretty run down buildings (I hear they're starting to tear them down). Whatever she chooses, I would definitely agree to have her live in a dorm for many reasons....meeting lots of friends, the rec center, ease of getting to classes, an easier first step to independence (not cleaning a kitchen/bath), food already made and close by, easy to meet up with friends on the weekend and walk back to dorm room, etc.</p>

<p>i was wondering if someone would just give a general overview of each housing residence. like which ones are the more social ones, the quieter ones, etc..</p>