Dorm or LLC Selection?

We have Nebraska as a finalist in the college search thanks to some really great scholarships and an amazing visit to campus/business school…but can’t find much about the dorms and LLC?

What are the best ones to live in? What are the personalities of each? Are the LLC’s popular for incoming students and worthwhile or will they be more kids that struggle to make friends (some schools unfortunately are this case)?

My son is a freshman and was on the fence between the Computer Science LLC and traditional dorm and he decided to go with the dorm (Abel) because he wanted the freshman experience of living around kids with various majors. He met a roommate online before school started and he’s having a great experience. If you’re on Facebook the UNL Parents Group is pretty active and there have been questions on this topic. Many kids (according to parents) seem to love the LLCs. I still question whether he made the right decision just because some of the activities the LLC kids are exposed to, but he felt that he could join major-oriented clubs/groups without living in the LLC if he he chose to, and he’s meeting fellow CS students through his classes. I don’t know much about dorm reputations (Abel seems freshman oriented and “socially” active according to my son) and I’m not sure how much the cultures of the traditional dorms actually differ. Suites are also an option. Good luck with the final decision!

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Join a Learning Community. Lots of students go home on the weekends. At least if your student is in a learning community there’s a better chance of having someone around the living area on the weekends, which is extremely important the first couple months of first semester.

@collegemom411 good to know. the number of kids that go home is concerning for an out of state kid…but maybe he will get a J-O-B and make some cash : )

Thanks @theojohn that helps - sending kids off to college is almost as stressful as parents as it is for kids!