Dorm question

<p>I remember from our tour that one of the freshman dorms has practice rooms with pianos in it, but I don't remember which one. Anyone know?</p>

<p>Stanford does.</p>

<p>Another dorm question. I would like a single room. What are the chances of getting a single room as a freshmen?</p>

<p>Prettty slim if I recall correctly from previous posts… Usually singles are reserved for RAs. But there’s still a chance I guess. I am curious, however, why you would want a single room? Your freshman roommate will most likely end up being your best friend through most of your college career. I would personally try rooming with someone first, and then if you absolutely hate it you can try to request a single. But I’d definitely give it a try.</p>

<p>Nope, it’s actually fairly easy to get a single in Stanford/Hecht. RAs actually stay in double rooms. It’s the AFs that get single rooms, but only one every 2 floors. There are 2 singles on each floor (not sure about first floor, though. Maybe one), 12 floors in each building and 4 buildings. That’s a lot of singles. </p>

<p>And I disagree with Marinebio that “Your freshman roommate will most likely end up being your best friend through most of your college career.” It’d say it’s about 50-50 on being friends with your roommate judging from people I know.</p>