Dorm Question

<p>Which hall is for the nonparty type person?</p>

<p>Daughter lived in both Chadbourne and Barnard. Both where fairly quite with not much of a party scene. Great location - close to most things on campus & B-school across the street.</p>

<p>Okay thanks! Did your daughter like it at UW?</p>

<p>Choose the area of campus desired. Many options in the Lakeshore area as well. Think not only about location but architectural style.</p>

<p>Wis75, do you know how the tuition waiver works?</p>

<p>DeJope is the quietest dorm on campus. Much has to do without layout, more foreign students, and older students. It’s also more expensive as is Smith and Ogg. Sellery, Witte can be wild. Never studied once in my room in Witte, always the library.</p>

<p>Know nothing about tuition.</p>

<p>Very few waivers. usually after at least a year in school.</p>

<p>Generally the lakeshore dorms are the best for quite environment. Stay away from the Southeast dorms if you want to avoid crazy parties on the weekends.</p>