dorm question

<p>One of my sons got into Mac ED and I'm sending in his dorm questionnaire with deposit. He doesn't care if he's on coed or single sex floor. Is there any reason to pick one or the other that might not be obvious?</p>

<p>I would also love to here opinions on this. My D was also accepted ED and we are filling out the housing card.</p>

<p>It really doesn’t matter; it’s just personal preference.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that if the first-year course your son/daughter ends up in is residential, he/she will probably be living on a coed floor because…I don’t think any of the first-year courses only have one gender enrolled in them. :)</p>

<p>When they actually do the housing assignments in the early summer, the first priority is to place you in your first year seminar; that choice overrides the preference for a co-ed or single gender hall, if need be. They do pay careful attention to any other preferences you might express on the form as well (for instance, smoking or non-smoking). They did a terrific job matching my daughter with her roommate. They are friends, though they each have their own different group of close friends, and just are very, very compatible in terms of lifestyle.</p>

<p>If you choose a residential first-year course, you won’t have a choice in dorms. Answer the roommate questionaire honestly–I also agree that Mac did an outstanding job of matching my daughter and her roommate. If you don’t have a residential course, Turck is by far the nicest freshman dorm, then Doty and last of all Dupre.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the replies. It is good to hear that Mac does such a good job at matching roomates. My D is so excited since getting her acceptance I am still waiting for her feet to touch the floor :)</p>

<p>Just a little love for Dupre here. The photos of the dorms and rooms that are on the Residential Life site do not do any of the options justice, in my opinion. We were very pleasantly surprised when we saw our daughter’s room in Dupre. It was much larger than we believed based on the online photos; she and her roommate have plenty of space, large closets, a gargantuan desk, and generally as nice or nicer (as well as larger) than many of the dorm rooms we saw at other colleges while touring. The halls are bright and colorfully painted; and absolutely no worries about her being cold during the Minnesota winter: her room is so toasty that she runs a fan at night. Our daughter has plenty of pictures of friends and posters decorating her walls, and it’s as homey and cozy as a dorm room can be. I have not been in the other dorms so I can’t comment on whether their rooms are better in some way, but please do not despair if you learn you have been assigned to Dupre when you get your housing assignment.</p>

<h1>1travlr, Thanks for sharing your experience. It is very helpful and we will be sure to keep that in mind.</h1>

<p>My daughter is a freshman and also lives in Dupre. She and her roomate are very compatible; it seems the school did an excellent job matching them up and I guess some luck helped as well! I would echo what #1travlr said about Dupre. We were very pleasantly surprised with the size of the room. Dupre is the largest dorm, has no sinks, and and I think that’s what gives it the reputation for being the least desirable. My daughter is having a very good experience. She chose a residential first year course and I think it was very helpful in her making friends and building a community there. It’s a co-ed floor and she is comfortable with that, as am I. By the way, Flutemom, my daughter plays the flute at Mac. Is your daughter a flutist? (could be another child of yours, I realize).
Good luck, all. Mac is a great school.</p>

<p>Hi mom958, Thanks for the additional thoughts on Dorms at Mac. My daughter is pretty open as far as dorm choices…in her mind… next fall can’t come quite quick enough lol</p>

<p>Yes you guessed correctly. My daughter plays the flute. It has been her passion since
5th grade …many years of private lessons. She is looking forward to getting involved in music at Mac as well.</p>