Dorm questions

<p>I was wondering if anyone has an idea about how fast the non-honors suite style dorms go? I submitted the housing deposit on Dec 19, so I have the 4th slot for choosing rooms. Should I be worried there will be none left? I will be in the honors college but one of the two girls I’m planning on rooming with is not in honors so unfortunately we can’t stay in an honors dorm.</p>

<p>Also any pros and cons about each one? I think I’ve read that Ridgecrest has more parking than some of the others? I will have my car so that’s a good thing for me. Also my major is chemical engineering, I don’t know if that matters any because I guess all of the suite style dorms are all in the same area. But in general I don’t know any difference between them all, maybe because there aren’t any major ones. Thanks for any info (:</p>

<p>I think they hold back some rooms for each sign in time. Get on as soon as you can. If you don’t get what you want at first…pick a room and keep checking back. People move rooms all the time until the deadline. You want to be in either Lakeside, Ridgecrest, or Riverside. Those are the nice new suite style dorms…both have honors and non-honors. Rose Towers will be a freshman dorm but it is ALOT older. Riverside will be closer to the Engineering area…but as a freshman that probably won’t matter that much since you will be taking core classes. Lakeside is closer to the dining hall. All of them have adequate parking. The floorplan for Ridgecrest South is little different than Lakeside, Riverside, or Ridgecrest West. I have read that those may be a little larger than Ridgecrest South. RS is the newest of the dorms being only 2 years old. Check out the housing website for floor plans. I think you would be happy in any of those. My daughter had the first sign in time for Honors last year and the rooms at Ridgecrest South went fast, but then she knew people that got in later and got rooms there. If you have any problems, call housing…they are in the office during sign in time to help. Good luck!!</p>

<p>Bamagirl11: If you have found suite mates and they have an earlier “pick” date, you can give them your proxy code and they can “pull” you into their suite. Caution: ONLY give your proxy code to someone you can trust and have gotten to know. After they pull you in and you have an assigned room, change your proxy code. Then you cannot be moved and will be locked in.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South has two towers: North and South, only the first three floors of the North Tower are honors housing. They do go very fast!!!</p>

<p>Riverside Honors housing has larger common living areas.</p>

<p>bamagirl11: My son and one of his suite mates lived in Lakeside West his first year. It’s a nice dorm, but the biggest reason why they chose to relocate to Ridgecrest West is that parking is tough, because the lot is smaller than the ones at Riverside or the Ridgecrests. Also, I don’t know if this is a factor in where you live, but remember, if you are in honors and do not live in honors housing your freshman year, you cannot move there in future years.</p>

<p>I just found out that the friend who isn’t honors submitted her deposit in September so we have nothing to worry about! I knew that you could pull in the other roommates I just had no idea she deposited so early! And I’m pretty sure she’s set on Ridgecrest because she’s stayed with a friend there before and liked it a lot. But I guess we’ll see. Thank you guys for all of the advice!</p>

<p>and judging from what jus happened this week, if you are not in honors housing, you probably won’t get housing at all after your freshman year. i think thats the bigger deal if that is a concern for you.</p>

<p>bamagirl11 -
maybe someone can correct me if I’m wrong here, but don’t the other Honors freshman have a chance at the open spaces before you can pull a non-honors into an honors suite?</p>

<p>i think she is talking about her non-honors friend pulling in the other friends - including the honors friend.</p>

<p>Personally, if I was eligible for honors housing, I would take it. As the past week has shown -if you are not currently living in honors housing when re-contracting time comes around you may find yourself without on campus housing as a sophomore.</p>

<p>Isn’t honors housing available before non-honors housing? I looked at the schedule & you can select a non-honors room beginning on April 14th, but the honors/living learning community housing is selected from March 10th to April 12th. Even if she deposited in September, you as an honors student can select before her but only if you select the honors or llc communities: [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Yes you’re right the honors and living learning communities times are in March and then all regular dorms are in April. But even if I did the March time I don’t think the non-honors dorms would be available then, and we have to have non-honors because one of us isn’t in honors. So we would have to wait until April I believe and she would have the first choosing time of the regular dorms.</p>

<p>Here’s what the email says…</p>

<p>Room Selection Phase I</p>

<pre><code>Phase I begins in March. During Phase I, freshmen that applied by April 1st who wish to choose a room in a living-learning residence hall (Blount, Bryant, Friedman, Harris, Honors Housing in Lakeside West, Ridgecrest South North Tower, Ridgecrest West, Riverside East or Riverside West) may log in at their assigned Phase I login time to select a room in one of these living-learning halls ONLY. During Phase I room selection will only be available on the Tuesday and Thursday nights indicated on the room selection schedule, from 6 pm to 10 pm central time.

<p>Room Selection Phase II</p>

<pre><code>Phase II begins in April. Freshmen that that applied by April 1st who wish to select a room in Burke East, Burke West, The Highlands, Lakeside East, Parham, Paty, Ridgecrest East, Ridgecrest South South Tower, Rose Towers, Somerville, or Tutwiler may log in at their assigned Phase II time in April. These residence halls will be available, as space permits. During Phase II room selection will only be available on the Tuesday and Thursday nights indicated on the room selection schedule, from 6 pm to 10 pm central time.

<p>^ obviously a big decision and something to think about, but I would at least give this a second thought.
Friends or not, by choosing a non-honors dorm you will be giving up the option of EVER living in honors. Heaven forbid the friendship breaks up, someone transfers etc. Also given what we have learned this past week about housing options getting tighter, honors seems to be, at least right now, one of the few venues to guaranteed housing as an upperclassman. Betting on getting into Ridgecrest (non-honors) or any suite-style dorm, early pick or not, is a longshot. Many of the early depositers on here did not get their first choice. You may end up in a situation where only doubles are available, which leaves the third one of you where?</p>

<p>Also - this is off the top of my head, but if there is a surplus of freshman honors kids enough to fill the existing spaces, is it not possible that they would open up additional rooms taken from the non-honors pool? IMHO you take the sure thing.</p>

<p>Check the threads from this time last year - it got a bit hairy at room selection time.</p>

<p>And about living on campus sophomore year I always just assumed I would move off campus. But I’ll definitely think about that, thanks!</p>

<p>Another question… If I choose an honors room when my date is in March (the 4th time slot), when April comes could I move to a regular one before the 4th time comes around? I know you can move around but would it not allow me to choose from the non-honors dorms until my time?
And also say I did choose an honors room, and it didn’t let me choose a non-honors one at the beginning of April. Would the non-honors girl with the earliest time slot still be able to pull me in even after I’ve chosen a room?
Sorry if those were confusing, maybe I should just play it safe and wait until her time comes in April and not mess with the honors in March.</p>


<p>now someone come on here and back me up on this one, but you can choose an Honors room, and providing your non-Honors roommate has space available in her suite, when it is her time she can use your proxy code and pull you in. That way at least you have a room until you try and make the change.</p>

<p>Perfect! I like this idea (: I do hope it works that way and would allow her to pull us out of an honors room and into hers if she can get a non-honors suite. Or allow us to move when the non-honors become available before our time slot since we’d kind of already be in the system.</p>

<p>I may be wrong, but after my conversation last week with the Director of Housing - I still think a Honors student can NOT pull a non Honors student into a honors designated suite no matter when they selected a room. </p>

<p>I have a rising Senior and an incoming Freshman that will room together. Both are in Honors and my older son is scheduled to re-contract in the first phase. This is before the new Honors students. He also is pulling in a current teammate that is eligible for Honors housing. Their goal is to get into Ridgecrest South (South Tower). He will still have a chance to switch buildings before the incoming Freshmen are scheduled to select. The last two years, my son has wanted to pull in a teammate that is not in Honors. The computer system WOULD NOT permit the non honors teammate to be pulled it. </p>

<p>IMHO, I strongly agree with AL34. Bamagirl11 should select Honors housing the first chance she gets. Some buildings have both Honors and non Honors suites. Start there to secure a spot, then see what is available for a possible change in the weeks that follow.</p>

<p>^^^not to derail the thread, but momof3boyz that is so sweet that both your sons have agreed to room together! If it comes to pass that D2 also ends up at UA, I think that D1 wouldn’t mind rooming with D2, but I think D2 would balk & want to be on her “own.” I love to hear about close siblings :)</p>

<p>Thanks RobD. I am very proud of my boys. I know this is way off topic but we flew our Bama son home to Ohio Thursday night to surprise our HS Senior at his last home wrestling meet. When the two boys embraced in the gymnasium, it was very sincere. It took my youngest a moment but he looked at me and said, “wait! I just realized Nathan came from Alabama just now”.<br>
The other reason we wanted him home this weekend was because our oldest son was scheduled home on leave from Iraq. He arrived home tonight! We cherish the times we can have all five of us together. As they get older, these moments will be fewer and farther apart.</p>

<p>I have a question that hopefully someone can answer: My roommates and I are planning on doing honors housing (hopefully Ridgecrest South, but I know how quickly those rooms go). They turned in their housing deposit super early and so they have the very first honors selection time. I, on the other hand, didn’t turn my deposit in until January, so I have a later selection time. Will this be a problem, or can they still pull me into the room even though my selection time is way later?</p>

<p>They can still pull you in before your scheduled time. You will get a proxy code (I believe) when they tell you your pick date, at least this was the case last year. DS was pulled in by another honors student (using this proxy code) before his time.</p>

<p>The only thing is, as long as there are empty spaces in the rooms, others who have the same pick date can fill in those spots, so there is still a chance the rooms will not be available, but IIRC it seems to have worked out for most last year.</p>