<p>Im in Honors housing, medeiros, and i wanted to know how those rooms were. When i took the tour i saw them for like 5 seconds…so what are they like? really crap? bearable? or good?</p>
<p>theyre different from other rooms on campus. the building is split it 3 sections and isnt connected from one section to another. not traditional at all but ive heard you get really tight with the other kids in the hall. no codes on the bathrooms/doors like the other dorms. only been in them once (to give a tour, ironic huh?)</p>
<p>Dear jwriter90 : Medeiros is outstanding and provides some of the best housing on upper campus. In addition to being with other Honors Program students who opted for Honors Housing, you will be with folks who are generally academically and socially balanced. </p>
<p>As said by beanieboo, there are three sections, "A", "B", and "C", with each section divided in half. Each building has several "half flights" with girls and guys dorming the half-flight apart. </p>
<p>The upper floors can be very warm - particularly in the first two weeks of class. Be sure that you bring several BOX FANS that can be placed into the windows for additional ventilation.</p>
<p>Bathroom facilities are fine and serviced at least weekly so no problems there.</p>
<p>The common room on the first floor is a great natural gathering place for movies, sports, and other group activities. Each dorm will gain its own flavor over the year and the common rooms will become a center for activity.</p>
<p>Be sure to bring various game consoles and guitar hero - you will be amazed at the number of friends you will make!</p>
<p>Good luck with your first year!</p>