<p>I didn't get the chance to see any dorms at ANY of my schools so I don't really know what to expect. So I was wondering what they look like and what I should bring for mine (if I get in). I'm sure there are some other international applicants who would like to know too. </p>
<p>If you did see some dorms during your school visits please post what they looked like (size, windows, number of people sharing etc.)</p>
<p>I also really want to know what schools have private bathrooms for each dorm, there doesn't seem to be any place to find out about that (school website, boardingschoolreview.com).</p>
<p>Where are you applying? </p>
<p>Although Andover is an exceptional school there bathrroms are FAR from “excepional” but the dorms are very nice and spacious if you are in a small dorm. The bigger dorms are cramped. </p>
<p>Deerfields dorms are mostly single roomed but nicely equipped for the older kids.</p>
<p>Andover, Exeter, Hotchkiss, Choate, Deerfield and Emma Willard.</p>
<p>My room at home is tiny(ca. 8m2 or 86 square feet) so I don’t really have a problem with room size as long as it isn’t like a closet ;)</p>
<p>My biggest problem would be a communal bathroom, isn’t it really inconvenient to have be in the hallways in only a towel, or get dressed in the bathroom?</p>
<p>Bring a bathrobe and don’t worry about it! I can guarantee you’ll be so busy - and so rushed in the morning - you won’t even notice!</p>
<p>Best of luck to you!!! (And tell your parents that if you get in, you want your going away present to be a nice comfy robe!)</p>
<p>At my school, and most I’ve seen, we have a communal bathroom for each hall. It really isn’t a big deal and you get used to it quick. Bring a bath caddy and a bathrobe and it’s all fine. </p>
<p>As for the room sizes, every room is different at my school. Mine (a double) is one of the larger ones. We have more than enough space. It might be an adjustment, but you get used to the rooms fast.</p>
<p>Each school is different and with each school the bathrooms are different depending on the age of the dorm. Some have private bathrooms and singles, others are communal. Some are new and modern, some were built in the dark ages. </p>
<p>Unless your school allows you to choose your dorm, chances are the best accommodations will be snagged first by returning students.</p>
<p>At Taft, some bathrooms are communal, some are shared between two rooms. Some doubles are one bedroom, other doubles are two bedrooms with a door between them. At Governor’s, all students have a single room unless they ask for a roommate (12 students per dorm) and some rooms have private bathrooms (usually snagged by seniors or dorm monitors).</p>
<p>I’ve learned that the viewbook pictures always show the best dorm rooms to impress applicants, but that may not be what you get.</p>
<p>Just depends.</p>
<p>Still - doesn’t matter as long as your dorm mates are nice and the facilities are relatively clean. Regardless, a big bathrobe and a shower caddy to carry your supplies should be on your packing list.</p>
<p>Thank you all for answering
But what do you mean by snagged? Do returning students get to choose their rooms or do they just have priority over new students when the staff assigns dorms?</p>
<p>Older students have priority. Most schools have a lottery system, and the older kids will have better odds. Time in the family counts!</p>
<p>Yep. A faculty member suggested my daughter put in dibs for the newest dorm for next year - rooms are bigger. But the funny thing is each dorm has a specific personality. So being on campus the first year allows the students to get a feel for each. But also, the roommate things comes in to play and many schools allow students to choose their roommates for subsequent years.</p>