Dorm Strictness

<p>Out of curiosity are RA's allowed to search dorms, like go through drawers and stuff? I know the polices about weed are extremely street but are they allowed to bring the K-9's through the dorm without probable cause. Just wondering if any upperclassmen know anything about this. Thanks.</p>

<p>Uh, I don’t remember them ever bringing the dogs through the halls, but having weed in the dorms is a Really Bad Idea. Please don’t do that. Find some friends that live off campus and blaze up there if you’re going to, having it in your dorm is a bigger risk that you should take.</p>

<p>If there is suspicion (like smell), RAs can write you up and/or bring in VT police. A new policy that student conduct brought forth last year is that you can also be charged if there is paraphernalia found in your room, even if there aren’t drugs present. </p>

<p>I know people who were caught with weed that were suspended automatically. It’s a huge risk.</p>

<p>Yes, it is a huge risk. Do not even think of having drugs or alcohol in your dorm room. Some people get away with it but depending on your RA you may not-is it worth it?</p>

<p>It really all comes down to your RA. </p>

<p>Some are super chill. Freshman year my RA didn’t care if you had girls over past the “curfew” time or if you had alcohol in your room. </p>

<p>But I also had a friend tell me that her RA ratted her and her friends out for having alcohol in a dorm room. I wouldn’t do anything until you know what your RA will and will not allow.</p>

<p>I mean, when it comes to having visitors of the opposite gender over it basically comes down to “is it causing a problem with your roommate.” If not then they leave it alone. When it comes to alcohol there is SOME variability but in general if they find out about it they’ll deal with it, but they won’t go looking unless you’re making noise or being obvious. Weed they take a lot more seriously. Which is ridiculous but it’s how it is.</p>

<p>I’ll be honest, I just don’t get this type of inquiry. It’s illegal and it’s absolutely no secret that VT takes a very strong stance against pot in the dorms. If this is something that you’re not willing to give up in a freshman dorm then go to school in a state where it’s legal. I’m making absolutely no judgement calls here. I don’t care what it is and that you think the rule is pitifully stupid. Going into a situation planning to break a rule that is well known to get you suspended is just plain dumb. We’re not talking a slap on the wrist here because your RA saw a beer in your room. Suspension. Not good, and completely preventable. If the rules are too restrictive (again zero judgement) go to school where it’s legal.</p>

<p>Agreed. I know of students from our area who were suspended for a semester. It really set them back significantly. Don’t think that this is all talk-it happens.</p>