<p>The reality is, firsties really don’t have a *great( shot at anything on Skinner Green unless you have accommodations that require you being there. Some definitely do luck out, so you can be hopeful, but it’s really hard because most of those rooms filled back when we were doing room choosing a couple months ago. My recommendation would be to look for a good location off the green.</p>
<p>Here are rundowns of some of the off-green dorms:</p>
<p>Ham/Mac: These are some of the more “modern” dorms, so they lack the wooden floors and other charms like that you’ve described. However, they’re actually pretty coveted among students, including myself. (It’s my preferred spot!) Ham has a very international feel because our language lab assistants live there, at least one on each floor I believe, and also a lot of athletes since it’s near the path to Kendall. Mac, my favorite, has window seats in almost every room, so there’s some of that charm you’re looking for, and also has a dining hall, meaning it’s very convenient. As long as you’re not majoring in music or languages, you’ll be about as close to most of your classes as possible without being on the green.</p>
<p>The Delles: The Delles might provide you with some of that charm you’re looking for. North Mandelle houses a lot of our FPs (non-traditional students) and also a quiet floor, so a lot of students looking for a more “mature” location try to pick that one. That’s a good dorm if you like the privacy of being a little more removed from campus or if you’re a music, art, or languages major.</p>
<p>Abbey/Buck: Technically on the green, but less desirable and therefore not as coveted; I know a <i>lot</i> of firsties who end up there. The food there isn’t as good as elsewhere, but that really doesn’t matter much since we have decentralized dining. It’s a little noisier at times than some of the other dorms because it’s right by Chapin Auditorium, which is where we have concerts and other events, but it’s not too bad. I’ve lived in Abbey and I liked it.
Only catch: Farthest walk to the main academic buildings aside from Dickinson, although I suppose maybe the Delles are a little farther…they don’t seem it, though.</p>
<p>Prospect/18: Definitely not the most coveted dorms on campus, but they’re also nowhere near as bad as some students like to claim. They’re closer to the main academic buildings than the Delles, plus Prospect has dining, so that’s helpful. There isn’t really anything “special” about either dorm, so I’m not sure what to say really…oh, 18 does have a Golden Pear kitchen, meaning you can make your own food there, but </p>
<p>Pearsons: You could try Pearsons. Pearsons is directly across the street from the library, right near the admissions office, and there are quite a few firsties in there as well. After Ham/Mac, it’s one of my favorites on campus. Being on the other side of the street makes it feel a little separate from campus and therefore more low-key, but it’s also one of the most convenient to the academic buildings, meaning you feel closer to the center of campus than some people who live right on the green.</p>
<p>Torrey: Torrey might still have some openings, but I’m not sure…Torrey is a combination of a lot of athletes, since it’s the closest to Kendall, and also a lot of international students. It doesn’t have the same older feeling you’re looking for, and its dining is just grab-and-go. I’m not a Torrey fan at all, but some people swear by it.</p>
<p>I have to disagree with WannabePhD about writing in Safford, Wilder, and Mead - you really have no chance at this point. Same goes for Brigham. If you’re going to aim for the green, try the Rockies, but be warned that it’s Party Central on campus.</p>
<p>Based on your requests…I’d say that Mac will give you the beautiful windows and food (but more 1960s-style architecture), Prospect will give you food and a pretty view, and Pearsons will give you the best location in terms of the library and the academic buildings (plus breakfast). Prospect is probably your best bet for a mix of all of those things.</p>
<p>Final thing: The room you viewed was probably in Mead.
That’s where they take most groups, I think.</p>
<p>Edit: Forgot about this… <a href=“Nickelodeon | Homepage”>Nickelodeon | Homepage;
<p>It’s a silly quiz, but hey, it might be useful.
Don’t take it too seriously!</p>