Dorms at University of Alabama

I have already been accepted into UA as well as the honors college and am trying to figure out which dorms to live in. I am considering rushing and trying to pick between the Ridgecrest dorms, Presidential, or Tutweiler. I like the suite style options much better (although they are pricier), but Tutweiler is closer to the sororities. I have also heard that living in suite style can be hotel-like and there’s not as much social interaction as there would be in traditional-style dorms. Any advice from someone that has had experience there?

If you’re going to pledge, then Tut may be best.

Thank you for asking this question @melp99 , I’m in the exact same boat. Accepted into the honors college and I’m planning on rushing. I registered for housing in the first few minutes it opened so should have many choices for dorms. Does anyone know how many people who rush live in Ridgecrest or presidential? I dont want to feel isolated from my pledge class if everyone lives in Tut, but the suite styles would be nice for studying and having my own space.

Or Martha Parham or Mary Burke. All 3 are traditional two-person rooms with a central bathroom on the floor. Some people have issues with the closed AC/heating in Tutwiler. Many of the rooms have windows that do not open and ductwork has mold. I believe Parham and Burke have operable windows. They’re also only 4 stories each instead of Tut’s…dozen plus floors (better for fire alarms!). Burke has a food center - in fact, one of the better ones on campus. Tutwiler is across the street from Sorority Row, Parham backs up to it and Burke is across the street from Parham.
Oh, and nobody mentions Harris, but it’s right among Sorority Row.
Harris is one of the oldest dorms, no elevator, but the rooms are big and airy and have a sink.
Supposedly in the suites, students go into the rooms and stay and don’t socialize, but I found that true in Parham, too. Or they where just not in their rooms at all - they were at the library, their Greek house, or a friend’s apartment.
Cost for the traditional dorms is MUCH lower than the suite style.
In the end, it’s what you prefer and what your family can afford. If you pledge a sorority, you’re probably not going to be spending a huge amount of time there, so consider that.
(BTW, it’s Tutwiler, not Tutweiler.:wink: )

I don’t have exact stats, but Greek kids are spread all throughout campus. Living further away from your ‘house’ (i.e., in the northside of campus) will definitely do two positive things for you: keep you fit from all of the walking you’ll be doing, and teach you the best time management.

Now - will you be the only sorority member in Ridgecrest or Presidential? Absolutely not!!! There are sorority members all over campus, in just about every dorm. You’ll have plenty of company walking back and forth. :slight_smile:

I asked this exact question on the UA parents Sorority page and was told that girls live all over campus. It is totally up to your preference and if you want to spend the money for suite-style or not. My DD is leaning towards the suites because she wants to have the ability to shut her bedroom door and study or just have some down-time. She figures the walks across campus to sorority row will keep off the freshman 15. Should she not get into the suite her second choice is Burke. From what we have read, it is the next best option with a great location, the attached dining room and none of the mold issues we have heard about Tut.

Thanks everyone!! Looks like I’m leaning toward the suite style dorms (Ridgecrest and Presidential) considering other girls rushing will live there. Now, the question is to live in honors or non honors housing considering I will be rushing yet in the honors college

@melp99 my DD will be rushing as well as in the honors college. She is opting to live in regular housing because the roommates that she has met through the facebook page are not in the honors college. She feels that living in a suite, with the ability to close her door, will give her the privacy she needs to study. There will also be mandatory study hours at the sorority house as well. That decision is totally up to you- have you looked for roommates yet?

I am just starting my roommate search! @shelleyr25

There are Facebook pages for roommate searches at UA, along with the “Class of 2021” pages. Note that there are more than 1 because anybody can set one up and call it “official.”

Do they really have 2 person suites in Tut?

@chicks1108, Tutwiler is comprised of traditional doubles, with hall baths. There may be one or two odd suites in there somewhere, but I’m guessing those would go to RAs, not freshmen.

The New Tutwiler is supposed to have suites, however. But it won’t be completed until 2020, at the earliest.