Dorms close and Graduation Sat Dec 17

<p>The dorms close for winter break at 9am Dec. 17th. There will be a graduation on the same day. </p>

<p>If I am picking up my D on Sat., will I be in a lot of traffic? Can I avoid the traffic? Will I be able to park near the dorms? In the parking garage? </p>

<p>Do you have to be out of the dorms exactly at 9am? Do they lock you out?</p>

<p>As you can tell I have a freshman!</p>

<p>Housing has a habit of sending emails that confuse the time when one needs to be out of the dorms. Signs posted in my dorm and some emails list the time as 10am, others say 9am. Historically, the time has always been 10am, but consider it to be 9am just to be safe. You will need to be out of the suite and heading out of the building by that time.</p>

<p>There shouldn’t be a lot of traffic as students aren’t moving everything out of their dorms and winter graduation isn’t as big as spring graduation. In the past, the areas around the dorms have been remarkably quiet. Since you’re coming on Saturday, parking will be free and parking tickets won’t be issued except for those parking in handicapped or faculty in residence spaces without a permit, but the parking garages will still be controlled access.</p>

<p>Thanks Sea_Tide. One email did say to leave by 10am. Although the email from the RA gave a time of 9am.</p>

<p>Do you know where on campus the students graduate?</p>

<p>Some RAs set earlier times because of their own schedules/flight times.</p>

<p>In the past, if your RA has to leave, then another RA can sign you out. We’ve done that in the past.</p>

<p>Our son has an exam on Friday, in the late afternoon. We were able to get a hotel room for that night at the Fairfield Tuscaloosa. I did this a few months ago. Now, for May, I couldn’t get a hotel any closer than Bessemer. But I did already book it, and if you haven’t yet, I would advise you to do so.</p>

<p>What we plan to do is help son pack up Friday night after his exams, spend the night at the hotel, then check him out Saturday morning and hit the road.</p>

<p>I don’t even want to think about May yet.</p>

<p>Thank you Montegut. Good advice. I booked a hotel room for Thurs. hoping my D would be finished with the CBH project in time. Couldn’t find a room for Fri. night. I will try the Fairfield.</p>

<p>Once the student checks out with the RA are they supposed to leave? Are the RAs wandering around all day Fri and Sat?</p>

<p>If you can’t find a room for Friday night in Tuscaloosa Fairfield, you can try the Fairfield Bessemer. It is not too far away and a clean hotel. Didn’t realize your child was CBH. He will likely be working on his project through Friday.</p>

<p>Oh Montegut, thank you for the great advice. Will start the booking process today!</p>

<p>I am assuming your student has no car… my parents never came and helped me move out…I moved in and out all alone as did most of my friends- this was 30 years ago though… HAHA!!</p>



<p>And, since those who do have cars on campus (or are carpooling with those who do), there less parents on campus at Dec move out. </p>

<p>My kids have often driven other HSV area kids home at holiday times. </p>

<p>Also, since some kids are done with finals before the last day, that also lessens the crowding.</p>

<p>Where is the shuttle schedule again? When I try to search on my iPad it searches every list/forum</p>

<p>The dates and times for the airport shuttle can be found at [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Anyone booking a private shuttle/ride to BHM early Sat. morning? Last minute change of plans so just booked DS a flight, if he can get to the airport for a 7:50am flight won’t have to wait five hours for the afternoon one. PM me :)</p>

<p>New instructions:
Students are expected to leave their residence hall within 24 hours of the their last exam. The residence halls will close on Saturday, December 17, at 9:00 a.m. Graduating seniors have until 6:00 p.m. to move out. Please note, the only residence halls that will not close for the break are Burke East and West, Bryce Lawn, the Highlands, Rose Towers, the Bluff, and Palmer Hall.</p>

<p>In recognition of the excitement surrounding the National Championship game on January 9, the residence halls will re-open for current residents at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 7, instead of Sunday, January 8, in case you wish to return before traveling to New Orleans.</p>

<p>Excellent news on the Sat am opening. H&S would like to unload the car & possibly stay in T-town Sat nite before heading to NOLA. The parking at the hotel is in an open lot & not particularly close, so it would be better if the car was empty, not packed to the brim with stuff.</p>

<p>Students are expected to leave their residence hall within 24 hours of the their last exam.</p>

<p>This always mystifies me. The RA’s don’t really know when a student’s last exam or assignment is due. I’ve never heard of this being enforced. I realize that they don’t want kids all checking out at the last minute, but sometimes carpools, siblings, etc, cause a need for a later check-out time than 24 hrs after last exam.</p>

<p>How do you check out before Saturday morning - just make arrangements with the RA? DS and I need to hit the road as soon as he finishes his exam at 2pm Friday, and it would be great if he could check out Friday morning after we pack the stuff and before his exam.</p>

<p>Is it a pretty painless process? IOW, do they do an inspection, or just want to make sure everyone’s left?</p>

<p>How do you check out before Saturday morning - just make arrangements with the RA?</p>

<p>I think in the past, students may have to sign up for a “check out time”. Sometimes the RA has a list posted on his/her dorm door. Your child needs to find out. The better times get snagged first. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that RA’s have finals as well. </p>

<p>If your child’s RA isn’t available, then find out if another one in the hall can check your child out.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, the winter checkout is painless, the spring one is more involved.</p>

<p>This depends on the community and what the RAs do for winter break closing. Some RAs want to make sure that everything’s ready to go before the students leave - lamps, trash, windows locked, etc.</p>

<p>Have your student check with his/her RA to coordinate schedules.</p>

<p>Mom2ck - that’s true. Winter Closing is just about making sure that there aren’t any health/safety issues while the buildings are vacant over the break.</p>