Dorms closing for spring break?

So I have been busy with other stuff recently that I didn’t realize that all dorms except Burke hall are closed for Spring break…but obviously I don’t live in Burke Hall; I live in Paty Hall.

Have any out-of-state people faced dilemma of not being able to go back to home during spring break but can’t stay for spring break? What should I do?

Contact UA Housing and ask if they have a room they can place you in during break, you will not be able to get into your residence hall once break begins. Make sure to take whatever you need with you.

I always caution people who need to reside on campus (during breaks) to choose a residence hall that remains open during breaks.

You may have to find a local friend who can put you up, otherwise I don’t see another option than to return home. A hotel would most likely be the only other (expensive) option. Or perhaps you know someone in Burke who is going home who can let you use their room, or sleep on their couch.

This is also a reminder to those who plan on using the UA shuttle service to the BHM airport…make your reservations online here:
Deadline is March 10th, 3 pm for outbound shuttle. March 12th for inbound.