dorms question for guys

<p>what is in the dorms? do some bring tv's and ps2's? what else do u guys have there? sorry, kind of broad questions.</p>

<p>Yeah a lot of people bring TVs and game consoles. You have to bring your own stuff for the dorm, theres nothing in there for you already. Of course people bring beds and almost everybody brings a little refrigerator.</p>

<p>Also, don't assume it's just the guys who have games consoles :p</p>

<p>What!? You mean girls play games too!? Oh my god...oh my god...oh god! Just joking.</p>

<p>I would highly recommend you bring a small refrigerator to bring some small snacks, luckily I live in an on campus apartment, the dorms are just way too small for my tastes and I could never, ever share a room with another guy, no way.</p>

<p>if u bring a surfboard or skateboard do u also keep it in the room?</p>

<p>Yep. You can put those in the closet too, if you want.</p>

<p>Some guys on my floor were able to hang their bike upside down from the ceiling, and tie snowboards to the ceiling as well.</p>

<p>Fridges are essential. Especially when you pack its with awesome food and drink. It brings out tons of moochers tho. Same with a TV, they are essential for those times when you get tired of school work and want to sit around and do nothing.</p>

<p>Things you can't go to college without if you're a guy...</p>

-video game console. Even if you don't play them THAT much, if you own a console...bring it. Gives you an oppurtunity to meet a ton of people at your school when you have tournaments and stuff.
-Guitar/Bass if you play it. Helps releive stress</p>

<p>Just wanna say that you don't necessarily need a laptop. So far, I've never ever taken it outside of my apartment room except to home on the weekends, which is pointless since I can just use my brothers. I gotta return it and get a desktop instead.</p>

<p>I think a laptop is really important if you're going to school that's far from home. How do you transport a desktop, monitor, keyboard, speakers, mouse, etc? Although it's possible, it's very inconvinient. If you go to a school where you fly to, a laptop is basically mandatory unless you plan on relying on the library and computer labs.</p>

<p>Make sure you check with your school to see what they provide in their rooms. My university includes "MicroFridges" standard in all housing w/o kitchens. Also, some items (like microwaves and halogen lamps) could be prohibited.</p>