Dorms question


<p>I am 21 yo transfer student from UW colleges and will start going to UW Madison in the fall with an academic status of Junior! </p>

<p>Im majoring in engineering so i will have a crap load of homework and stuff. So, I was thinking what dorm would fit my needs</p>

<p>Im not a big party guy (go out about less than once a week) and i would like my dorm to be somehow close to the engineering hall ...</p>

<p>I do not have a car so i will most likely use the school/city bus system because im too lazy to walk! lol </p>

<p>I want some place social and like to hang out with friends and play some networking video games and stuff! </p>

<p>I heard that Sellery, ogg and whitte halls have lots of freshmen and drunken people on the hallways all night long! is thats true??! If so then these arent for me! So, I was thinking about living in Chadbourne Hall since it is kinda close to egr hall, has a bus stop next to it, close to state st, and have a dining hall in it! but then i heard chadbourne has lots of freshmen and is a little anti-social! btw, do you HAVE to pay the CRC fee if you just living at chadbourne and not taking any classes at it?!</p>

<p>I am sorry if i was long but im a little confused and just want to enjoy my madison experience! </p>

<p>thanks in advance for replying :)</p>

<p>You're probably thinking about the old Ogg, because the new Ogg isn't really like that from what I've heard. Sellery and Witte are not that bad, but they are primarily freshman, and they are louder. I don't know if Chad is really that much freshman, but probably more than 50%. And yes, you have to pay that fee. It's as social as you want to make it, too. I don't think Chad is too bad. :]</p>

<p>Have you considered Tripp or lakeshore at all? It's not that far from the bus stops (the 81 picks up at Tripp Circle, and the 80 is not much farther, and the stop at Randall/University isn't that far away)), there's Carson's and Frank's a stone's throw away, it's not *that *far from Engineering (here's a map so you can check for yourself University</a> of Wisconsin-Madison: Campus Map ), and Tripp even has a section designated to transfers, and the building is all upperclassmen and transfers. It's mostly singles, too, if you like that, but there are some doubles. Plus, it's right by the lake, which I consider a plus. :] Both lakeshore and southeast have their perks, though!</p>

<p>Really, I think you'll be fine no matter where you go, but I hope I answered your questions/gave you insight anyway. :)</p>

<p>The lakeshore dorms, especially the transfer house, upperclassmen dorm will be perhaps closer to the engineering campus and a nice stress reliever. At least one half of all except the totally freshman dorm and the totally nonfreshman dorm will be freshmen- they reserve half of the rooms so any popular dorm isn't taken over by returning students. Steenbock (Ag) library is very close to the lakeshore dorms and convenient for studying- it doesn't matter what your major is, they have a lot of study areas. </p>

<p>You will learn to walk- easier than waiting for a bus that circles around campus on its way to your destination. Cars are not common near/on campus (for students- University Ave and other streets south of it can be very busy with through traffic), most of your engineering classmates that live on/off campus will not have one. The Lakeshore path behind the dorms is a nice way to get to the Memorial Union.</p>

<p>The Madison campus of the UW system is vastly different from all of the other campuses, the engineering area is almost as large as some entire campuses! You will enjoy it.</p>

<p>Thank you guys for your detailed replies :) i really appreciate it </p>

<p>i was just looking into the lakeshore dorms and they seem quit nice... thanks for directing my attention to them ... sitcher is sounding appealing to me now (tripp is good but i kinda like having a roommate!) .. it is relatively small, close to dining hall and "somewhat" to the eng building and its on the bus route! .. same thing with Sullivan hall ...
so If you guys want to tell me anything about these two halls, any positives or negatives, lots of freshmen in them?, i would greatly appreciate it :)</p>

<p>Oh, i forgot to mention that I will be probably working at starbucks (the one on state st or the Univ ave. one by the Sherwood hills) so i will probably need the bus service. but by looking at the bus routes, i dont think there will be a problem as bus 80 will be around.</p>

<p>Sullivan was built in the '60's-eons ago had a split down the middle design, since changed to have moveable furniture- very close to Holt Commons and the dining hall. Slichter is older and has built in dressers, '50's era, I believe and is very close to the carryout place. You can check on dorm histories and room details by navigating the Res Halls web site. I had lived in Cole- like Sullivan, and Slichter eons ago and obviously liked them both. Adams and Tripp are even older (my mother lived in one of them during the WWII era, it was all guys in my time). You mean Shorewood Hills I think (Shorewood is a Milwaukee suburb)- check your distances and travel time when deciding where to work. I presume you have signed a contract- you better hurry in making your rnakings before assignments are made.</p>