
<p>That (not drawn to Chad) is a nonsensical statement. They have some Chad alum profiles posed and two are in med school. Others following different paths. Lawyers, higher ed admin, teaching–anything college grads do.</p>

<p>[Chadbourne</a> Residential College - Alumni](<a href=“]Chadbourne”></p>

<p>My reason for stating this is barrons insistence that Chad is the top academic dorm, and that it draws more students in math/science than other dorms do. Math/science students will not have any more reasons to choose Chad than to choose any other dorm. There will be students who like Chad best and that will include likely math/science majors. There will be top academic students in the other dorms as well. I emphasize this so students/parents realize all dorms work as well for any major or academic status. The dorm decision is based on other factors. Students have many different facets and should choose the dorms that seem to fit more of them than the others.</p>

<p>Very intense rivalry /competition between dorms…A good sign…</p>

<p>Naw, it’s just a very intense rivalry by the posters…HAH! :)</p>

<p>Actually I never claimed Chad was “the top academic dorm” though it may well be. My claim is that for those with a higher priority on studying and academics Chad would be the best fit (note subtle difference) because it tends to attract the more studious and is not as overly into (nor does it tolerate) the drinking and partying that can be disruptive in some other dorms–if studying and quiet are your priorities. Also the enrichment programs help round any student providing and encouraging direct exposure to the high arts as well as more direct faculty contact and non-classroom discussions with faculty.</p>

<p>Haha, yes, it’s just rivalry between the posters. The dorms don’t have a lot of rivalry, just stereotypes - certain kinds of people seem to choose certain dorms. Chad kids for example are thought of as weird, rarely seen at any social gatherings, and being really awkward, lol. Of course there are exceptions (people at parties, etc., are always surprised when they find out my friends and I are from Chad) but that’s the general stereotype. A lot of times I feel like the programs baby you - they focus a lot on the “adjustment” and they always want to know how you’re doing - more independent students who can handle themselves might get annoyed. They really don’t treat you like an adult there, more like a kid at summer camp as I have said before. I’ll definitely be happy to move into an apartment next year.</p>

<p>Living in a “learning community” dorm has its pros and cons. Those who want the group activites et al should choose such a dorm, those who don’t shouldn’t. All dorms do have optional activites and housefellows- no freshmen are left to fend for themselves. There is a lot during the beginning of the fall semester campus wide to help students transition to the campus. The above description of a Chad student could fit some in any dorm. A key word is independence- some want the programs, others are driven crazy by them. A nice thing is the diversity available- the old “different strokes for different folks” thing.</p>

<p>How about Bradley LC? I’ve heard from various people (UW profs, friends whose kids went to UW) about how great Bradley is (this also from a friend whose sons went to UW and were not in Bradley). My D is reluctant given the distance, but it sounds a like a great way to connect early on.</p>

<p>Wondering what s chances of getting a Lakeshore dorm? He put all of the Lakeshore dorms as his first choices. #1 Liz Waters, #2 Kronshage, #3 Slichter. I think he’d be happy anywhere on Lakeshore…he likes quieter environment, and wants to be close to the marching band practice field. I’ve heard of people putting all Lakeshore dorms and then getting assigned to Southeast. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>^Your son should get Lakeshore if those are his choices. It’s based on a lottery, so some students do wind up far from where they’d like to be if they’re picked last by the computer. However, odds are he should be fine. Lakeshore is also less popular than Southeast for many so that also helps.</p>

<p>I was wondering if we have to send in the deposit for dorms by April 1st. I’m not sure whether I’m going to Wisconsin for sure yet–I’m still waiting for my results for other colleges to come out AFTER April 1st. Should I still send in the contract and 300 dollars for dorm deposit by April 1, even though I may not go?</p>

<p>Deposits need to be sent in by your due date- you can get them refunded if you let each know in writing (Res Halls and UW) separately- by May 1st I believe (see the fine print on the contract/website). </p>

<p>There may be fewer rooms available in Lakeshore than Southeast (someone can do the math). Don’t worry about area popularity- choose the one that suits you. Liz is very popular so all students who want it won’t get it, but you may as well list it first if it is your first choice, your number could come up in the lottery. Your timing in submitting your housing deposit has no bearing on getting your first choice dorm- everyone meeting the deadline, having an accepted contract, is in the same pool.</p>