
<p>Can anyone give me the scoop on dorrms? I am looking for the best, worst, where each are located, what area of the campus should I want, avoid, etc. Thanks.</p>

<p>Alright, here's how it goes (and yes, I'm a student here at UA, not some random person who heard this from someone somewhere).</p>

<p>Crazy Party dorms:
-Coronado (Known to be the wildest dorm on campus)
-AZ SO (Not as crazy as Coronado, but almost...almost. It's also HUGE, like Coronado)</p>

<p>Dorms located very conveniently:
-Yavapai (Honors dorm right next to the physics building, really close to the student union, but once again, it's an honors dorm so it will be quiet)
-Yuma (Honors dorm very nicely located... Older dorm with kinda crappy rooms but some people like them)
-Maricopa (All girls dorm... There are no beds in the actual rooms, but there is a community bed area with like 20 beds in a large room... I've heard that's not as bad as it sounds)
-Gila (my dorm BTW, it's too quiet for my taste, but it's not DEAD. We have a ton of people in engineering and science over here [one of the wings is strictly for girls in science and engineering, and I hear that it's being expanded to two wings next year]. The layout is identical to Yuma)
-Manzi-Mo... I guess the location is also pretty good, but slightly less so than the previous ones I mentioned... It's a pretty big dorm and I've heard mixed reviews. Some say it's cool but a lot of people say the rooms feel like prison cells.</p>

-Babcock Inn is so freakin far from everything. It's also the least social because all rooms open to the outside so nobody really sees anyone else. Every room has their own bathroom which some find to be a plus... The only thing it has going for it is that it has its own pool. </p>

<p>Dorms that are nice and everyone wants:
-Pima.... Such a nice dorm, seriously. It's also pretty close to sorority and frat houses. A lot of upperclassmen live there because the dorms are so nice. The location is really good as well. Im not exactly sure how it is socially, but Im willing to bet it's decent. Barely any freshmen who apply for it actually get it.
-All the other ones that are listed as being full the fastest (it says that somewhere on the application...)</p>

-Hopi: I know a few girls living in Hopi and they say that it's really quiet over there and they tend to stay away from it... Im not sure how true this is, but that's what they tell me.</p>

<p>I dont really know much about the other dorms, but if you really want to know something about a specific dorm that I havent mentioned, I probably know someone living in it and could ask. Also, if you want to know anything more specific, just ask.</p>

<p>What about the other Honors dorm Posada san Pedro? It looked like the nicer of the three Honors dorms based on pictures, but how is it really?</p>

<p>My S was really sad he didn't get PSP. He stayed there for a few nights on his visit last year. It is well-located, near the stadium and the Rec Center, and is newer than most. It filled up VERY quickly, and a lot of kids stay there for a second year. He is in Yuma, and it is okay. Quiet, so he can study in his room. It took some convincing to get him to apply for the honors dorms, but it is working out fine.</p>

<p>I am looking at a map and can't seem to find the dorms you were mentioning. Are the best locations the dorms just west of the football stadium (such as Colonia de la Paz), north of Old Main (where Yuma is), or in the southwest corner of the campus (Coronado). When I visited the school lastyear, it seemed to me that the southwest area (Coronado) wasn't as safe as the others.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Oh, if you didnt know, AZ SO = Arizona Sonora... Manzi Mo = Manzanita Mohave. Pima = Pima Lodge or something weird like that, etc. If you look close enough you'll find them.</p>

<p>Dorms just west of the stadium are pretty far from the West side of campus. On the west side of campus (along park ave and on university blvd on that side) there are many dorms, a TON of restaurants, some gas stations, and some other things. Sure there are some on the South side of campus, but not in the same quantity. For some reason Im inclined to say that dorms near the stadium arent in the best location... I cant really back that up with anything, it's just what it seems like. However, the location really isnt terrible or anything.</p>

<p>Dorms north of Old Main are in a really good location. The library isn't the closest thing in the world then, but it certainly isn't far. I live in this location and nothing seems to be far. Ever. My furthest class is 5 minutes away, my closest is 20 seconds (it's across the street...). The student union is really close, so is 7/11, Subway, Jack in the Box, Chase bank, and everything on University... </p>

<p>Southwest corner, where Coronado and AZ SO are at is not the greatest location. I've heard people from those two dorms complain about how far it is to classes and such. It may seem not to be as safe, but it's probably just as safe as anywhere else because there are always people outside over there.</p>

<p>All of those dorms ^ though are at a <em>reasonable</em> location.</p>

<p>BTW, if you need a quiet place to study, don't really worry about that. Even when it's really loud in the halls over here (which it rarely is....), it's quiet in the study rooms, which are really awesome places to study.</p>

What about the other Honors dorm Posada san Pedro? It looked like the nicer of the three Honors dorms based on pictures, but how is it really?


<p>San Pedro is new and clean. My D lived there the year it opened, after living in another dorm. The major drawbacks to the San pedro, the rooms are smaller and the closet being where it is limits the furniture placement. She lived in Yavi last year the rooms are bigger and there are better options for furniture placement.</p>

<p>The culture is different also, the kids that live in yavi are tight. It is a small dorm and they are a group of like minded people in general. She only had problems with folks from outside the dorm. A couple of guys walked on the portico, that is a no-no. The gal who let them out the window got in trouble.</p>

<p>If you're looking for the party dorms...Coronado and AZ Sonora are the headline party dorms. Also though Kaibab is supposedly an underrated party dorm as well..its next to coronado and sonora. Those three dorms are also right next to the park student union.</p>

<p>If you're looking for reallly nice quiet dorms...I live in VDP which is great but not a big party atmosphere at all. Thats pretty much how all the Highland Avenue dorms are. But they are very very nice.</p>

<p>Can you tell me about LaPaz</p>

<p>Damn, I'm doing pre-biz and the Colonia de la Paz sounds so far away from everything. Anyone know about how it is? I was thinking about staying there for freshman year 2009 but it sounds so boring!</p>

<p>My nephew stayed there last year and loved it recommended it for my D who may be attending next year. He showed us arond on our visit it was the first week of school no one looked "bored". Knowing my nephew he would not of liked a boring dorm.</p>

<p>i'm thinking between VDP and Cienga as my top two choices...
they look identical at least from the internet, can someone give me more more info on those two as too which more people prefer and why?</p>

<p>also i had la paz as my third choice, and i went to the campus today and i toured that hall, and to be honest i hated it. it was so dark everywhere, and the hallways reminded me of prisons. and i heard this was the number one most requested hall, so i'm kinda scared now..</p>

<p>If I'm doing pre-biz/accounting should I pick La Paz or Coronado. I want a little bit of the college party atmosphere so I'm afraid I would hate La Paz.</p>