<p>How are the freshman/undergrad dorms at stanford? Are they roommate, 1-per room, 5-per suite, or what? Which dorms are known to be the "best" ? </p>
<p>Just wondering.</p>
<p>How are the freshman/undergrad dorms at stanford? Are they roommate, 1-per room, 5-per suite, or what? Which dorms are known to be the "best" ? </p>
<p>Just wondering.</p>
<p>Most of the dorms that frosh can live in are pretty similar in size…the dorm rooms in Wilbur, Stern, and FloMo are ~equal size and are mostly one room doubles.</p>
<p>There are a few exceptions, though. Lagunita, for example, has small one room doubles, Roble has a lot of 3 room quads that frosh often get put into, and Branner has mostly two room triples.</p>
<p>They are changing around some of the houses and dorms for the upcoming class, though, so some of this stuff may not be relevant for the class of 2013 (for example, Branner is awesome and considered the nicest of the available frosh dorms, but it will be upperclass next year).</p>
<p>Stanford dorms for freshman are basically complete luck. You get to pick either all-frosh or 4-class then either co-ed floors or single-sex floors. Even that doesn’t really matter, since I know several people who are in all-frosh when they signed up for 4-class and vice-versa. This luck-of-the-draw system probably arises from Stanford’s desire to choose your freshman roommate for you. They match roommates pretty well, and when they don’t they’re very nice about letting you switch. Only a handful of people have singles, so don’t count on that.</p>
<p>@Pistachio, I don’t think everyone considers Branner the nicest of all frosh dorms… Roble Love! We have our own library, *****.</p>
<p>Alright fair enough, I’ll concede that I’m biased in my love for Branner and probably should have said something like “Branner is awesome and I personally consider it the nicest…” but oh well. </p>
<p>And not that I want to get into a Branner/Roble competition, but to be fair, we have our own library too =)</p>
<p>Yes, but Flo has ice cream and catwalks!
I didn’t know that Branner will be upper class next year. That’ll be interesting.</p>
<p>haha ok, thanks for the input!</p>
<p>D LOVES Donner!</p>
<p>There’s talk of the dorm switching next year: Branner will become upperclass, and Wilbur will be all-frosh. I’ve also heard Stern is becoming all-frosh, that SLE is hoping to be expanded 3x its size, and that Crothers may be thrown into the mix (since the new grad housing on Bowdoin/Campus Drive will be finished by then, Crothers should be freed up).</p>
<p>Branner’s really nice, clearly (it looks very resort-like from the outside), but will probably become upperclass. Wilbur and Stern are okay; compared to other universities, freshman get good housing. The overwhelming majority are one-room doubles that are generally spacious. FloMo supposedly has more spacious rooms. Roble is rather nice, but it’s far out and has quite a few three-room quads (the upside: each room has its own mini bathroom with a sink). The worst is GovCo (FroSoCo, etc.) which is really far out, but apparently is okay in actual housing.</p>
<p>Stanford has some singles here and there, and there are the apartments and suites on the side of campus. Generally, I’d say, Stanford has nice housing, though some (like Branner or Roble) stand out as the best.</p>
<p>branner is definitely the best, altho when u get here ppl chant “branner sucks”.
Not to be biased, most people do that just for self-pride. But objectively, branner does have the best dorm because it is the newest renovated dorm that has freshman, has its own library, is a big party/social dorm, yet is close to 2 libraries.</p>
<p>Branner sucks. Rly.</p>
<p>Well, a lot of the dorms are “close” to the two libraries (Green/Meyer)–Crothers and Stern in particular…</p>
<p>I’ve heard that Branner is quieter this year than in past years, too. I suppose it just depends on who’s put in the dorm and where.</p>
<p>People always say Branner is quieter than in years past. People said that about it when I lived there three years ago, and I still had a great time. And while the way the set up the rooms there is really nice for freshman, the one-room doubles elsewhere (the majority of freshman housing) aren’t that bad either.</p>
<p>From housing’s website, it sounds like they want to switch Branner over starting next year. But they’ve been talking about that for a while, so that doesn’t mean it’ll happen. I believe the triples are becoming doubles when it switches, which means extra housing space has to be found elsewhere, so I would think it’ll switch over as soon as Crothers is renovated. Construction projects, of course, rarely go on schedule.</p>
<p>Contrary to what kyledavid says, Roble is actually fairly centrally located. It’s not as close to the libraries as the Escondido Road dorms (Wilbur/Stern/Branner/Toyon/Manzanita/Crothers), but it’s pretty convenient to the Quad and engineering buildings. And while FroSoCo is far away, the distance is actually quite tolerable as long as you have a bike. It’s also a very nice dorm, with the best dining hall on campus. FroSoCo is the only place where frosh can get two-room doubles.</p>
<p>How many roommates do we have?</p>
<p>1 if you live in Stern, Flomo, or Wilbur, 2 if you live in Branner, 3 if you live in Roble. In Frosoco you have 1 roommate but 2 rooms. In Stern/Flomo/Wilbur you get 1 room, in Branner you get 2 rooms and in Roble you have 3. I’m not really sure about Lag, but I hear it’s like Stern/Flomo/Wilbur but don’t quote me on that. Olive_Tree, looking at your location, might I ask where else you are planning to apply?</p>
<p>Thank you! I am planning on applying to four more colleges. I’ve already applied to Columbia and UPenn, but that was only before I got back my financial aid letter from Stanford. Right now, the only two universities I’m interested in as much as Stanford are Yale and Princeton.</p>
<p>i’m reviving this thread … </p>
<p>anyone have any other opinions on what the best dorms are?</p>
if you want it to be quiet then you should opt for a mix dorm
but if you wanna bond/party go for an all frosh dorm… ! </p>
<p>also i have a question–
if i want to do SLE is there ANY WAY AT ALLL i could opt out of the SLE dorms?</p>
<p>i really dont want to live with the other SLE kids.
<p>My S wanted quiet, and he is in a mixed dorm, Roble Hall. Problem is, all the freshmen are grouped together and the presumably quieter upperclassmen are all on the other end of the building.</p>
<p>Bottom line, all the dorms are noisy, especially at night. He likes everything else about Roble, though.</p>