<p>Does anyone here know anyone who stayed at Abbotsford? It appears is the only frosh dorm that has private bathrooms. You need to walk across the street for the dining hall though. </p>
<p>McCormick is the main frosh dorm, but I hear the rooms are very small and it is very social there.
Any input for dorm recommendations for freshman?</p>
<p>nkl — You’ve summed up the pros and cons of the two in a nutshell. D loves it in McCormick, but the rooms are tinier than you can possibly imagine – They are pie-shaped so they seem even smaller, though they do open up a bit in the back by the windows. She also acknowledges that she and roomie have too much stuff, and while they enjoy their futon and all their storage units, it makes their room feel even smaller. Closets are decent.
There are some triples in McCormick which are much larger.
On the pro side, it is very social (doors open all the time), the communal bathrooms are large and very clean, and everything else (laundry, study lounges, etc.) are – not fancy, but again clean and nice. D also really likes being on a lower floor since it means she skips the wait for the elevator.
Your daughter’s other alternative is Cobeen. The word there is that some girls are at first very disappointed to learn they have been placed in an all-girls’ dorm (those that didn’t request it, that is) but then everyone seems to end up loving it. Much better dining hall than McCormick, my D says (though the revamped one at Schroeder trumps all – and you can eat at any of them.) The Cobeen dining hall is the one that is closest to Abbotsford.
Abbotsford is small – only 200 some students. The rooms are really nice – a huge living area. Not at all a sure thing you will get in, even if it is your first choice.<br>
Last year was a large class, and some freshmen ended up in Mashuda. There are also Honors freshmen in Straz and some engineering freshmen in Carpenter, as well as boys at O’Donnell (all male dorm).</p>
<p>Questions about Abbottsford. Is it male and female? What type of bathrooms do you mean by private? Do you have to clean the bathrooms yourselves?</p>
<p>dbwes, now that your daughter is close to finishing her freshman year, where does she want to live next year? Is she going to take any classes this summer?</p>
<p>Any thoughts on Carpenter and O’Donnell, as far as too much party atmosphere, size of rooms, cleanliness?</p>
<p>Hey, Montegut!
Yes, Abbotsford is alternating male and female floors. There is a very large living area, a separate smaller room, and a regular bathroom, like one you would have at home, to be shared by three. The room we toured had all three beds in the smaller room, two bunked, one not. I suppose the kids could do whatever they wanted about that (that is, put one bed in the large living area. I don’t think they do, though, since that is shared relaxing and study space.)
And yes (doesn’t everything have its down side?) kids in Abbotsford are responsible for cleaning those bathrooms.
I don’t know as much about the other two you mention. My daughter has told me that the boys in O’Donnell really like it there, bond together, have some activities they do every year. For instance, early in the year, they teeter-totter for 36 hours straight (guys taking turns) to raise money for a cause. I can’t speak to the size of the rooms, though they have to be bigger than McCormick.<br>
I think all the dorms at Marquette are very clean. As I said above, not fancy, but clean. And you can always find a party – not sure if any of the dorms are more so than others. Maybe McCormick? </p>
<p>As far as D, she will be home this summer, working and making money! Marquette is renovating a new building for sophomores next year, an old apartment building that will have very nice new triples in what D thinks is a great location. That is her first choice. Housing sign-up starts at the end of this month.</p>
<p>Wow, Abbotsford sounds like an apartment. Is there a kitchen as well?</p>
<p>So there’s like a living room, a small room for sleeping, and a bathroom they all share?</p>
<p>OMG, I can only imagine what an apartment with three boys in it would look like.</p>
<p>I’m thinking O’Donnell might be the place for son, but I’m really worried he’ll play video games day and night, instead of studying. I’m liking the idea of a small space to limit him as to what he can bring, so McCormick might be a good place. When looking at the campus map, he did say, McCormick seems like the place to be. Maybe will just let him go with his gut.</p>
<p>You mentioned a refrigerator, and also, grocery runs, in the past. Does D have a fridge and microwave in her dorm, or just a fridge? Is there a cooking area in any of the dorms?</p>
<p>To nkl811, welcome to the Marquette forum! Keep us posted!</p>
<p>We’ve been following the Big East Championship. Wow, some exciting games! Those Marquette seniors are some really special kids. Wish them so much luck in the future. Maybe we’ll get to see one of them at the Hive, where the Hornets play.</p>
<p>Thanks dbwes and monegut for all your help. We have a year to go since she is only a 2010, but I figured it doesn’t hurt to get as much info as possible, as we are going to Marquette on Monday for a scheduled visit. Her first impressions of Marqette were really positive after just walking around campus on a Sunday afternoon with no one around, so Monday should give her a better picture with more people around.</p>
<p>BTnkl811, We’re a 2010 as well. dbwes has been a great help, as well as others with frosh daughters.</p>
<p>We did a tour last summer while we were in the Chicago area, and loved it. Saw Schroeder, which is a soph dorm, so have lots of dorm questions. </p>
<p>Because we live all the way down here in LA, we probably won’t be up again until senior year. </p>
<p>What area of the country are you from, and what is your child interested in studying?</p>
<p>BTW, I have a son, so any males out there, chime in!</p>
<p>We are from the north suburbs of Chicago so Milwaukee is just over an hour for us. My daughter prefers to stay close to home. Northwestern or Notre Dame are her dream schools but financially, that isn’t going to happen. Neither give much merit aid. We are also going to visit University of Illinois, UC( my alma mater) and Illinois Wesleyan- talk about big to small, and we have looked at Loyola and Valparaiso. </p>
<p>She is looking at the 6 year DPT program. If she can get in as a frosh, it would be great. She might major in Psychology or Biology. What is your son going to major in? After we visit Monday, I will post my impressions on the other dorms as well if we get to see them.</p>
<p>There is such a wealth of information here, thanks dbwes! Montegut, we’re from LA too. Son is a senior accepted at Marquette with nice merit $$, and since H is an alumni, we’re very interested. We’ll be attending the Destination Marquette days this month when he’ll be doing an overnight. I’ll be sure to post his impressions.</p>
<p>He has two stepsisters in Milwaukee, so he’d be close to family even though far away. My fingers are crossed that he feels the fit despite not being a sports fan or religious AT ALL.</p>
<p>Oh, my gosh, you’ve got to be kidding! Somebody from LA going to Marquette? Yea!</p>
<p>And a male, too! Looking forward to dorm info.</p>
<p>How are you traveling up there? This has been my big problem right now, since son doesn’t want to miss school for college visits, which I’m excusing since he’s only a junior, but I want him to attend anything that’s held his senior year, especially the scholarship competition, if he’s lucky enough to be invited.</p>
<p>What is the Destination Marquette day?</p>
<p>Boy, they must sure have a great DPT program there. There’s an abundance of y’all here.</p>
<p>My son wants to major in Biomedical Engineering.</p>
<p>Yes, the west coast L.A.! Destination Marquette is an overnight for accepted students. Son will sleep in a dorm and have dinner with a host, then the next day attend a class with him, have a tour, etc.</p>
<p>cpeltz: my son and I are attending the Destination Marquette March 29-30. He was accepted as a Biomedical Sciences major. We did attend the scholarship exam for Health Sciences, but want to go back for him to experience dorm life, meet more students, etc.
I hope the visit only reinforces how much he likes Marquette.</p>
<p>I took my daughter to visit Marquette today. It was a great visit, and she LOVED the school. I told her not to fall in love just yet until we see if she gets in the DPT program, and we find out how much merit aid we will get. We have about a year to wait for that info:)</p>
<p>She loved the campus, felt right at home with the student population. She felt it was a good fit for her.
Dorm wise, she heard the same thing, that McCormick was the place to be, and is thinking that might be a good place to live. We saw a room there, and they were tiny! Abbotsford sounded good to me, but we didn’t get to see it. We had a great tour guide, and a beautiful day to walk around the campus.</p>
<p>nkl – You couldn’t have had more beautiful weather for visiting. I’m so glad you and your daughter had a good day.
Well, I TOLD you guys the rooms were beyond tiny . . . didn’t you believe me? (LOL!) Somehow the kids make do and have fun anyway.</p>