
<p>If your a incoming freshman, can you select the dorm hall that you want to live in?</p>

<p>Yes, you will be asked your top 3 choices. If your a guy or a girl not interested in sorority life and not honors or athletics, I would suggest Clark, Sherley, or Waits. Sorority girls usually choose Colby and Honors housing is in Milton. Athletes housing is Moncrief.</p>

<p>tcugirl. which dorms are “good”.</p>

<p>Moncrief is one of the only ones to have a suite-style room (2 people per room, 2 rooms share one bathroom) as opposed to the community type in other dorms.</p>

<p>Clark rooms are tiny tiny tiny. Its been redone recently and is nice, but is still pretty cramped. </p>

<p>Sherley has a great lounge area.</p>

<p>Colby is the most run down.</p>

<p>Foster is where the FIGs are, if that makes a difference to you.</p>

<p>The commons dorms arent availible to freshmen. </p>

<p>Milton Daniel will be the new honors dorm and is still under construction. Right outside of my window. Every morning at 7 am.</p>