
<p>A couple of questions about the dorms in purdue, if anyone could answer. On the page University</a> Residences Rates there are rates for different dorms. For example Earhart $9478 Double room with 12 meal plan.
1. Is this $9478 paid by EACH person in the room, or is it divided into two, hence each person pays $4739?</p>

<li>What would YOU recomoned the best dorm to be for for freshman?</li>

<p>No, the $9478 (meal+room) is paid by you over two semesters, so $4739/semester, $9478/year. Soo, $18,956 per room, crazy right? your roommate will pay the same rate, however they could have a different meal plan than you and pay more/less for that. earhart is a little bit more expensive because it has air. on the billing statement, the room and the meal plan are divided up…so it doesn’t appear to be that expensive, but when you add it up, it is. like i paid $7,878 this year to live in owen (1,627/semester) and for the meal plan ($2,312/semester). </p>

<p>and honestly, there is no “better dorm” for freshman year. i would recommend the dorms with central cooling and heating, earhart, shreve, some of windsor halls, harrison (not sure when they are turning it on), etc. because i live in owen now and it needs to be updated, however, i really like owen, just no air is a pain. you should also consider how far the dorm is from class. wiley, tark, owen, windsor, meredith and shreve are the closest to classes i would say. i spent forever ranking the dorms for the dorm application. but honestly, you’re never guaranteed your first choice or even your second. i know a lot of people who ended up in hilltop apt., even though it was their last choice. it’s pretty random if they draw your name last.</p>

<p>Yup, smahanru got it right on the dot for the housing rates. </p>

<p>If you want something cheap and are a guy then I recommend Owen, Cary, or Tark. They all don’t have central A/C but they have a great location. Just hope you don’t get the extra-small rooms at Cary, my friend was in one of those and it was horrible. </p>

<p>If your willing to pay a bit more like $9,500 a year then Earhart, Shreve, Harrison, and McCutcheon. McCutcheon is the “furthest” from campus but walking an additional 50-75 yards won’t kill you. Your also located in front of Purdue West so weekend meals are easy to get. I lived in McCutcheon my freshman year and I can answer any questions about it. As smahanru said no one really gets their first or second choices, some people get REALLY lucky though because they hand in their housing app. late but get their first choice like Earhart.</p>

<p>thanks alot guys tht really helped. I guess Ill probably pick shreve and earhart, due to central air and heating. </p>

<p>Ive heard its cold in Indiana, so I prob wont be needing air that much. Besides tht, how do you guys like your rooms? are they big, and what about your bathrooms?</p>

<p>the rooms actually are pretty big, however, that’s only if you choose to loft your beds. once you loft your bed, there’s plenty of room for a futon/chair and a fridge. a lot of people rearrange their lofted beds and desks and still have a lot of space. the bathrooms are okay, some are nicer than others but they’re not gross or anything and they’re cleaned daily, which is good.
and central air and heat is good because the old radiator heaters that they have in my dorm are awful and make strange noises in the winter…central ac/heat is just quieter lol.</p>

<p>okay im looking at the pictures of earhart right now,but i need toget something straight - double bedroom means tht there will be two bedrooms and a lounge in the middle?</p>

<p>Double room is one room with two people. There would be two separate closets/drawers, beds, desks, and chairs. What you are thinking of is a suite, which you apply for as an upperclassmen(Soph. and up). Everyone room in Earhart is a Double, I don’t think they have singles(except for Handicapped students) during the regular school year.</p>

<p>Wow I did not expect two people sharing ONE room - it must be really cramped…!</p>

<p>For any dorm, can you request an extra long twin size bed? Can that size be lofted?</p>

<p>Not sure about that CalKid543, you should give a call to Housing. Foodscience7, most dorms at many schools are like this. If you loft your beds then it gives you A LOT more space. It’s your choice along with your roommate’s if you want to loft or not.</p>

<p>i know in cary quad they have xl twin beds for the athletes, but i’m almost positive you have to request it when you sign up for dorms. with bedloft i don’t think xl beds can be lofted but with the university residence lofts you might be able to.</p>

<p>Thanks - I’ll check after I find out which dorm I’m in.</p>

<p>I will posibly attend to purdue as an undergraduate student. I am international, I want to study food science. Which place do you recommend me to live?

<p>I mentioned it doesn’t really matter where you live your freshman year since you might not even have classes in the building your school/major is in. Just live wherever you want to live.</p>