Double Double

<p>Is it possible to do a double major in two different schools? Specifically:
Biology (College) and SFS
I get a good head start by being an IB diploma holder and having some 5s in APs, but my questions is: is it POSSIBLE (LEGAL, ALLOWED BY GEORGETOWN)??</p>

<p>No, I’m fairly sure that it’s not possible. However, the College Dean is trying to get the school to allow cross-school minors:</p>

<p>[Vox</a> Populi » College Dean Chester Gillis pushing to allow cross-school minors](<a href=“]Vox”></p>

<p>Basically, you must stay within one school, with the exception of taking a couple of classes outside of your school if you want.</p>

<p>Students in the nursing and business schools can complete College minors; it is not possible to double-major across schools. Additionally, the SFS does not have double-majors or any minors.</p>