Double engineering

Hello, I was accepted to UW College of Engineering, and I’m planning to primarily apply for Chemical Engineering. Assuming I get accepted to my major, can I major in two engineering majors such as Chemical and Nuclear? Even if it takes 5 years to graduate.

Send an email to the department with your questions. Also look at the required classes for each major- see how many there are. Frankly, my understanding is that any engineering major is time consuming enough you would not do it.

@wis75 I already emailed them but they haven’t replied. I also couldn’t find anything on their website that indicated a double engineering possibility. However I found a page talking about an additional L&S major for engineering students.

I believe you will find plenty to occupy yourself with one engineering major. Look at the courses needed and see how many extra you would need for a second major. Also look at prerequisites for classes. You may be able to add some classes of interest.

Ultimately you will need to choose one field. You do not become a “jack of all trades and master of none”. You can’t do everything that interests you- you would take away time from one for the other. You become proficient in a field. We all have more than one path we can take and part of adulthood is choosing a path. The path may change over the years.

Something to discuss at SOAR.